
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Brayden's Newborn Photo Shoot

Earlier in the year, I began the search for a photographer for Brayden's newborn photos. There were so many to choose from but after narrowing down the search, I found the one I wanted to work with.

Her name is Ashley and she operates a photo studio in my hometown. Even though I still had a few months to go in my pregnancy, I booked her before her calendar filled up. We kept in contact as his due date drew closer and once he was born, we settled on a session date that was exactly 2 weeks after his birth.

She asked to see pictures of his nursery so she could get an idea on my theme and colors. She also asked to see pictures of any of the props I was bringing along with me. During my pinterest search, I'd found a couple of cute ideas I liked including a baseball outfit complete with his birth stats engraved on a baseball. I'd also seen a knit Mickey Mouse ensemble and before I could order it, a friend of mine ordered it for him! 

Prior to his session, she gave me a few tips - keep him up as much as possible that morning so he would sleep through the session and feed him right before leaving my house. Also, she recommended clothing that could be removed easily and nothing that had to be pulled over the head. We settled on a 10:45 a.m. appointment time which worked out perfectly for us!

Having dabbled a bit in photography, I still had no clue what to expect or what even went into a newborn session as newborns always made me nervous! I honestly knew NOTHING about newborns or newborn photography, so I was excited to see how this was done!

Her studio was located in her home and included a nice warm environment with a magical "shusshing" machine...y'all...this thing was seriously amazing!

I loved watching Ashley work, she was seriously amazing and incredibly patient with Brayden! He was a little rock star too and slept through most of the session, waking only once to eat and have his diaper changed.

After receiving the proofs, I had the opportunity to choose a set amount of photos from the list and then I received them on a flash drive. I also have a mini brag book and several prints on the way.

Here's a few of my favorite photos from his session!

I am in love with the tail!!


Notice a trend in these pictures (all except the last one)? This little guy LOVES his hands by his face!

In all, our session lasted right at 3 hours. I loved how patient Ashley was with Brayden and how she took the time to capture the perfect images. She truly has a special gift!!

Welcome to the world, Brayden! :)


  1. These are precious Karen. My favorite is the one with Brayden and the gray blanket. It really focuses on him with no distractions.

    1. Thank you! I couldn't agree more - that's one of my favorites as well! :)

  2. Aww the photos of Brayden turned out great!!!

  3. We loved getting our card in the mail with his pics. So cute!

  4. They're all precious!! My fave is the baseball one though!

  5. Oh Karen! These pictures are amazing!!! He's so precious!!!

  6. My word... these are the most precious pictures I've ever seen of a newborn. And I've had 5 (don't tell them I said that!) I honestly couldn't stop looking at him. Just perfect! Congrats again, Karen!

    1. Thank you so much, Patty! I appreciate it! :)
