
Friday, June 3, 2016

Fitness Friday - 6/3

Gosh this week seems as if it just flew by! I'm at the end of my maternity leave and have had to balance Jason's work schedule along with workouts for the week. Overall, it wasn't too bad in my opinion!

Currently Training For:
  • runDisney Virtual Running Shorts 5K Challenge
  • 4 Miler on the 4th of July
  • Disney's Princess Half Marathon & Glass Slipper Challenge
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon
Saturday - 5 mile run with my running buddy
Sunday - Rest Day
Monday - 5K walk with a friend for her runDisney Running Shorts achievement
Tuesday - 1 mile walk with Brayden and the pups
Wednesday - 3 mile run for Global Running Day
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Going to attempt a run...we'll see how it goes!

On Saturday morning, I woke up to a beautiful day with temps in the low 70's and super low humidity! It was incredibly and completely unheard of in Southwest Louisiana for May! I'll take it and I'm definitely not complaining!

My friend Heather and I ran 5 miles which happens to be my longest distance postpartum! Yay! It was fun having my step goal for the day completed before 9 a.m.!

For breakfast, I had this delicious egg/cheese/turkey bacon English muffin! Yum!

On Memorial Day, my friend Melissa met up with me so we could complete her runDisney Running Shorts 5K! The humidity and heat had returned but overall it wasn't too bad of a morning!

My little turkey was dressed in red, white, and blue for the holiday!

For breakfast, Jason made Mickey waffles and I had coffee out of my Vero Beach mug. Two years ago, we spent Memorial Day in Florida with some friends and we visited Vero Beach for the first time. I would love to go's gorgeous there!

Monday afternoon was spent at a friend's house for a BBQ while our in-laws watched Brayden. :)

We returned home to an air conditioner that wasn't working...again. This is the 2nd time in 6 weeks. Ugh. Come to find out, we had a freon leak in the attic and it was fixed the next day. In the meantime, we spent the night at my parent's house and I spent a good part of the next day there as well.

On Tuesday evening, Brayden and I went for a little walk with the pups. It was late and I knew he wouldn't last long, but we did make a mile!

For Global Running Day, I set out for a 3 mile run. It was raining on and off and I had to make it work around Jason's sleep/work schedule, but I managed to dodge most of the rain showers in the end!

It started sprinkling on me during the last half mile or so. After I finished the run, it poured!


I've also spent a majority of the week trying to soak up my days and moments with this guy. Going back to work on Monday will be ok as I love my job and my co-workers, but I know I'm going to miss him while I'm gone during the day. He's grown SO much in just 8 short weeks...I don't want to miss a minute of it!

Have a great weekend! Any plans? Jason and I are going to attempt a Disney style dinner complete with Ohana marinated chicken and ooey gooey toffee cake! YUM!


  1. Enjoy your last weekend before you return to work. I can't wait to hear about your Disney style dinner and may be asking for recipes.

    1. Thank you!! Stay tuned this week - I'll have it posted soon!

  2. It definitely sounds like you made the most of your last week at home with Brayden. Its amazing just how quickly the time flies by, isn't it?

  3. What a great week Karen! You have done so great getting back into running after having little man! And I can't wait to hear how the Ohana style dinner goes! I LOVE Ohana!!!

  4. I'm in the same weather situation tomorrow. I want to run, but I have to keep a watch on the weather. I don't plan to do much, just get my first run in a month, but the rain is crazy.

    1. Hope the weather wasn't too crazy! It didn't last long here and we managed to run before it hit!
