
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

runDisney Virtual Running Shorts 5K Take 2

Summer weather is here in full swing and has been for weeks now! Friday's temps were especially hot and a heat advisory for the day was issued that morning. I returned home from work that afternoon and although I didn't want to do it, I knew it was the only chance I would have to run that day.

After drinking plenty of water throughout the day, lathering on the sunscreen, and dressing in the coolest clothing I could find, I set out on my run.

This run also served as the 2nd part of the runDisney Running Shorts Virtual 5K Series, by the way!

The temps were registering in the 90's with high humidity and "feels like" 100 degrees overall. My run actually wasn't too bad the first mile and a half as there was a slight breeze in the air. I somehow managed to keep a 9:45 pace through the first two miles. However, the last mile seemed to drag on forever. I developed some sort of run/walk pattern and that's what helped get me through!

I was NOT impressed by the heat!

On my last stretch back home, I was running along the edge of the road and something dark in the grass down by my feet scared the daylights out of me. 

It was a SNAKE! A LIVE snake!! I am pretty sure I jumped two feet in the air as I was passing it.

You see the patch where the grass and concrete meet in the photo above? I was on the edge of that. OMG. All that snake had to do was lunge out about 2 inches and it could have gotten me. I didn't see the snake until I was right next to it. At first I thought it was dead but then I realized that its head was standing up as opposed to being flat on the ground. Yikes. After I took this picture, he turned around and slithered away. still gives me the eee-bee-gee-bees.

That adrenaline boost was just what I needed to get me home, too!

Although I didn't run a good 5K time wise, I wasn't concerned about my pace. Running in high heat and humidity forced me to have a goal of just simply finishing....and that's what I did!

Race number two in in the books! I've enjoyed participating in this 5K series so far and can't wait to receive my medals in the mail!


  1. I WOULD HAVE DIED. Snakes. That is all.

    1. Right?! The adrenaline was definitely pumping! Haha!

  2. You're much better than I doing this outside. I've thrown in the towel and am using the treadmill. I get sweaty enough and I'm not in direct sunlight either.

    1. I understand completely! I just hate that darn treadmill...

  3. My sister saw a snake last week on her run too! She didn't notice it until she was right up on it.

    Yes running in the heat and humidity is definitely a challenge. Pace should totally not even be a factor on those

    1. ugh snakes are so crazy!! I couldn't agree more about pace in this kind of weather!

  4. The heat has been awful. When I get home from work I go on the patio to water my plants & I start sweating! Yay for getting it done! So not a fan of snakes but they seem to enjoy my yard. 🙄

    1. Isn't it crazy?! I'm not looking forward to July and August's weather! Yuck!

  5. Because i often run on hills, i don't see these cases. ^^ Certainly, at that time, you feel fear!

    1. Glad you don't run into snakes often! It definitely isn't a fun feeling!
