
Friday, July 1, 2016

Fitness Friday - 7/1

Currently Training For:
  • runDisney Virtual Running Shorts 5K Challenge
  • Cajun Country Half Marathon
  • Disney's Princess Half Marathon & Glass Slipper Challenge
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon
Saturday - 3 mile run
Sunday - Rest Day
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday - 2 mile morning run + stairs
 Wednesday - Rest Day  
Thursday - 2 mile walk with Brayden
 Friday - 2 mile morning run

Well, this week was another interesting week but I'm happy to say that I made it work overall!

On Saturday, I was exhausted from the wedding I was in the day before. Needless to say, Jason was working days and my usual Saturday morning run didn't take place. Instead, I slipped three miles in that evening after he returned home and before the sun went down.

I also figured out a plan that I think will work for my schedule. On most weeks, I'll be able to wake up and run early in the morning. I've also convinced myself that if I at least run two days during the work week (early morning) and a longer run on Saturday, I'll be ok. I know that's not "optimal" as I always liked to have four runs during the week but I can only do what I can do. Waking up early during the week isn't something I'm fond of but that's the only way I can make this work.

Tuesday morning was the first day I tested out my new plan and all went well!

The humidity was pretty high but the temps were in the 70's, so it didn't feel too bad outside! I definitely think early mornings will be better overall anyway, especially in this crazy Louisiana heat!

I also had to renew my CPR certification on Tuesday. Y'all. When I say this was a workout in itself, I mean it! I worked up a sweat by the time it was all said and done! I also walked up and down what felt like a million flights of stairs on Tuesday. I'd say it was an overall decent day!

On Tuesday afternoon, I received a phone call from Jason saying our AC went for good...which means we had to install a brand new unit outside. Ouch. Brayden and I spent the night at my parent's house that night so I didn't get a chance to get my second run on Wednesday morning. Instead, I am running this morning before work.

Although it was still really warm outside yesterday evening, Brayden and I took a walk around the neighborhood. His little Mickey fan kept him cool during the walk.

Isn't that the cutest fan ever? In case you're wondering, I purchased it off the Disney Parks shopping app! :)

Someone might have gotten a little sleepy during our walk...he was OUT for a good little while!

My Legend Compression socks also came in handy this week!

Another fun thing that's been happening in my world is this candle. Wow...I sound bored to death and that sounds really lame. Hah!

But seriously, y'all. There's a RING inside this candle! I'm 100% serious when I say I can't help myself - I keep checking it every so often to see if enough wax has melted away to reveal the packaging where the ring is being held. Aaaah! I promise to keep y'all posted of what I find inside!

Any day now! :)

Thanks to my friend Melissa for this crazy candle obsession!

For the 4th of July, I decided not to run in our local 4 miler race. Besides the fact that it's HOT out there, Jason's also working I decided to just stay at home and enjoy my day off work with Brayden! Instead, I'm going to run 6 miles on Saturday morning and call it a day. We also have plans with friends for dinner tonight...I can't wait!

What are your July 4th plans?


  1. What a cool candle! When I'm training for a race I always do 2 early mornings & a long run on the weekend. I'm not super fast but it's always worked for me. What a bummer on the AC. It's just soooo hot!

    1. I like your training method...sounds perfect to me! :)

  2. I bought my mom a similar candle last year. She burned it often and it took several months to almost a year for her to get her "treasure". She got a ring. I bought this candle at an actual jewelry store but i'm certain the ring was only costume jewelry. It was nice but it had an initial on it which I thought was odd. I think we ended up giving it to my grandma since it was her initial. Can't wait to see what you get!

    1. Oh that IS odd! Strange it had an initial on it! Glad it worked out for your grandma, though!

  3. Neat! It's like those soaps for kids that have a goodies at the center. I'm not doing any races this weekend, but I treated myself to a massage today and am getting chores done so I can enjoy the next 3 days.

    1. Yeah! Can't wait to see what's inside! Oooh a massage...that sounds heavenly! Hope you had a great weekend!
