
Friday, July 8, 2016

Fitness Friday - Gleaux Run Planning Take 2

A couple of years ago, I helped organize a night time 5K here in my area. It was called the Gleaux Run and was a part of Relay for Life through the American Cancer Society. The race had such a good outcome and was such a hit, it's returning to our area and I'm on the planning committee!

On Saturday, I had the task of attempting to locate and plan out a route...and I wanted to run the route, of course, just to make sure it was right on point!

This route goes by the lake and down one of my favorite streets in my hometown. Although the humidity was ridiculous (hello 100%), I still managed to have a good run!

I looped the route twice, attempting to find an exact 3.1, but I kept coming up short. Actually, my first loop was longer than my second, even after a few tweaks - how that happened, I'll never know. To make six miles, I ran around the parking lot for a bit (it's a big parking lot). With some specifications from the powers that be, I had to tweak the route a tad bit from the previous year and it just wasn't working for me.

After six miles, I was beyond DONE! I decided to return home and play around with to see if I could make any additional changes to the course.

One of the awesome members of my running group had a container of gatorade out there on Saturday morning and he offered a bottle to me after my run. YESSSS thank you!!

That was seriously the best Gatorade ever!

My run was not near what I wanted it to be and I had to walk a lot on the 2nd three mile loop but I didn't mind - at least I got it done and in one piece!

Tomorrow, I'm going to run the route again with my running buddy and see if we can make the 3.1 work for good. We have a more solid route in mind this time so hopefully it will work!

I'm definitely looking forward to another exciting Gleaux Run! A fun twist to our event this year is the addition of finisher medals! Each registered participant who crosses the finish line (running, walking, crawling...whatever!) will receive their very own "gleaux" in the dark medal! Yay!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

What are your weekend plans? Anything fun or exciting happening in your corner of the world?  Please share, I want to hear all about it! :)


  1. Aww Karen this sounds like so much fun to plan! Good luck with getting the course distance exact and yay for the glow in the dark medals this year. Hopefully the addition of the medals will draw in an even larger crowd!

    1. Thank you! I think the addition of medals will make a difference...we shall see!

  2. I use Map My Run all the time. I used to drive routes, but that doesn't help if I'm running trails.

    1. Oh, true...that definitely wouldn't help for trails!

  3. It has been so hot. I barely made it for my 6 miles last Saturday in Mandeville. I am ready for fall!

  4. Sounds like a fun race! I swear I'm ready for fall weather.
