
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

runDisney Virtual Running Shorts 5K Take 3

Happy Wednesday! This week, I completed the third and final portion of the runDisney Running Shorts Virtual 5K series!

If you'd like to check out the first two portions, click here:

I decided to wake up early on Monday morning to run before heading into work and I'm so glad I did! Running during the summertime is so much easier in the early morning here in the south.

The temps that morning were in the upper 70's and the humidity was high. The forecast also called for heavy rain but after checking the radar, I saw this....

...crickets... No rain for miles and miles! Yay!

The run began at an easy pace but as the miles went by, I somehow picked up my pace (not on purpose). Once I realized after mile 2 that I could finish the run with negative splits, I decided to continue pushing my body to see if I could run a 5K under 30 minutes. This is something that hasn't been accomplished since my return to running after having Brayden 3 months ago. My body is also hanging on to those extra 5 pesky pounds...they need to now.

In the end, my mile splits were -
  • Mile 1: 10:00
  • Mile 2: 9:32
  • Mile 3: 9:04

Returning to running after so many months off has been a tough one. I'm nowhere near my pre-baby self, but small accomplishments like this one are so encouraging!

I finished this run hot, drenched in sweat, and excited for my accomplishment. It may seem like a tiny pebble to some, but it was definitely a stepping stone for me! Patience is also not one of my strong points...

Overall, I really enjoyed the virtual 5K series! It was nice to feel as if I was a part of a runDisney event this year, even though I wasn't able to actually attend an event at the parks themselves. I did feel as if the price was a little steep for what you received (basically just medals). If you wanted a bib, the link was posted on the runDisney event facebook page/the race website vs a printed bib being mailed to your home. I also felt as if communication for this race was severely lacking. Basically, you registered for the race, received a confirmation email, then didn't hear anything else at all (at least I didn't).

The medals are to be mailed within 30 days after the challenge is complete (or individual race if you only registered for one), so I should have them soon! I can't wait to see them!

Did you participate in this series? If so, what were your thoughts?


  1. Great job! That's a great time!
    Also thanks for the shout out! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! I bought it at Target a few years back.

  3. I did participate also. I am with you in that it was fun to be able to participate in runDisney without being able to go to WDW and run. I also agree the communication was lacking, I only got the confirmation email too. Seemed strange, I expected to get a couple more or something.

  4. I might need to switch things up with my running. The fitness room has been pretty stuffy in the afternoons, and really, mornings are much better. Great job negative splitting.

  5. Those splits are awesome! You'll be back at your pre-baby running speed before you know it!

  6. Oh I bet it felt good to get a run like that in! I'm still working on getting back at it and I also have those pesky 5 extra lbs sticking around and I have no excuse ( or baby to show for it) You're doing great Karen!

    1. Thank you so much! It's definitely a process!
