
Monday, July 11, 2016

Listening On My Run...

As a runner, I love having something to listen to during my training runs and races. I used to listen to music that I'd uploaded to my phone or music that streamed through Pandora. Sometimes I even preferred silence - just the sound of nature around me.

Last year, I was introduced to the wonderful world of podcasts and boy did my running preferences  change! Podcasts exist on any and every topic you can imagine and the possibilities are endless! Want to learn another language...podcasts exist. Interested in learning more about natural childbirth? Yep...there's a podcast for that. Sports? Yep. Disney? You bet!

My favorite time to listen to podcasts is while I'm out for a run or on a walk with Brayden. Sometimes if the podcast is a good one, I want to keep going (now THAT is motivation)! I love the fact that each show is always something new so you aren't listening to the same thing over and over again...definitely a helpful distraction on a tough run!

Being the Disney fan I am, I'm sure you can tell which topic I most often like to listen to? You got it!

Since I've found several podcasts that I enjoy listening to, I thought I would share them with you all today.

First and foremost, my favorite podcast to date is The Disney Exchange. I'm sure you've seen my instagram/tweets about the show, but I seriously enjoy listening to them! The three hosts are hilarious and are a great mix - they really flow well together! New episodes are released every Sunday and I always look forward to my Monday morning run because I know a new episode is waiting for me! They were also kind enough to have me on an episode back in November where we discussed all things runDisney. If you missed it, check it out here!

Up next is the Fit Mouse Podcast. Becca and Marci are the hosts and they discuss a variety of health related topics followed by a bit of Disney news in each podcast. These ladies are fun to listen to and I love their personalities. One of my favorite episodes took place last year where they discussed the Princess Half Marathon and gave a bit of an inspirational message. Check them out if you are looking for a fun podcast to listen to while out for a run!

Last but not least is the Be Our Guest podcast. These guys record three shows a week so there's always something to listen to! They also have a facebook running group called the Be Our Guest Lizards and it's fun to interact there as well (although I admit, I do more reading than I do interacting)!

A couple of additional podcasts I enjoy are Dixie Landings Radio and the The WDW Radio Show.

That's all for my favorites! Are you a podcast listener and if so, do you have a favorite show? Please share in the comments! I'm always looking for new podcasts to add to the mix!


  1. I love Another Mother Runner podcasts! They are pretty much with me on every long run. I start with a podcast and then switch to music and it breaks the run up nicely.

    1. I'll have to check into those! Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. I have never listened to a podcast but I have listened to a radio show once during a run and the entire time it felt like I was running SO slow. When I switched it back over to music I felt like I had picked up the pace. So for running, I think I need music, but I would definitely be into listening to a podcast during a long walk!

    1. I agree it's not for everyone! Gotta find what's best for you and stick with it! :)

  3. I've never listened to podcasts! I'll have to give these a try!

  4. I listen to Dr. Stanley from first baptist Atlanta a lot when I run. He is so good!
