
Monday, July 25, 2016

Weekend Fun!

Hello and happy Monday! This weekend was a busy but fun one and I really enjoyed spending time with my little boy! :)

On Friday night, we attended a going away party for one of Jason's cousins. They are moving overseas for several years and had a "bon voyage" party to say goodbye!

The sunset was gorgeous, too!

I also spent time with my running buddy Heather for her birthday!

We had sushi and I ordered fried rice because I wasn't sure what I could and couldn't chew (#mouthtroubles). 

With the leftovers, I managed to make three meals out of that fried rice!

What's a birthday without cake (cupcakes)?!

Even though my husband worked the weekend, I still managed to get my long run done! Our running group didn't meet on Saturday, so Heather and I decided to try a new running group in town. A new running store recently opened, so we met up with their group and enjoyed a six mile run. It was HOT and we got started a bit later than we like but we know better for next time! Even though our running group didn't officially meet, a few runners from the group graciously set water and Gatorade coolers around the area! It was really nice, especially when we weren't expecting it at all!

I am incredibly grateful for my friend Kim who offered to watch Brayden while I ran!

On my way home, I stopped by Starbucks to grab a to-go breakfast for both Kim and I. :) I always order an iced non-fat caramel macchiato and when I got to the window to pick it up, it was in a "hot" cup. I guess the girl saw the look of disappointment on my face because she asked what was wrong. I told her it was all my fault and I meant to order it iced....whoops. Even though I said it was totally my fault, she took the drink back from me, said "no biggie", then made an iced version instead! It was SO very nice and much appreciated...especially since I was so hot after the run!

This clip on (and portable) mobile is GENIUS! It attaches to anything and Brayden loves it! Win/win!

On Saturday afternoon, my mom and I attended a wedding shower for one of my cousins. Her theme was "fiesta" and included quesadillas and a taco bar with all the toppings! YUM!

Y'all....this sleeper came from Target and it was on clearance for super cheap! I do love a good bargain! :)

On Sunday morning, I made Mickey waffles out of banana nut bread mix. Did you know you can add just a little extra water to the box mix and use it in a waffle iron? They were delicious!

After church, we had lunch at Newks with my parents. The margherita pizza reminded me of the pizza on board the Disney Cruise Line in Palo. I also had a bowl of their squash soup which sort of reminded me of butternut squash soup on DCL. Newks squash soup had a bit more cinnamon flavor to it, though. 

Hey....look over there! :D

We had a fun weekend and once again, it flew by way too fast! Here's to another fun week ahead! Hope you have a great Monday!! :)

How was your weekend?


  1. That pizza looks amazing. I've never been on a Disney cruise, so I can't compare to Palo's, but I like pizza :)

  2. Okay, all your food pics are making me hungry! Especially the fried rice.
    Starbucks people really are great aren't they? At my local Starbucks they are SO nice and one of the Baristas even gave me a free drink to try just because I asked what was in it!

  3. Sounds fun! So does the taco bar...and margaritas maybe? baha!
