
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: First Photo

***Please keep Deb, the originator of the Disney Wordless Wednesday blog hop in your prayers. Her husband Paul passed away a few weeks ago and I know she would appreciate it! Thank you!***


I've had Disney on my mind a lot. With the recent opening of registration for Princess and finally booking our rooms for February, the countdown is on! I am so excited for a lot of firsts for my little family and I!

Speaking of firsts, for today's Wordless Wednesday I'm sharing our very first Disney World photo together, which stems from our Honeymoon in 2007. Although this trip was not a first to Walt Disney World for either of us, it was our first together!

When we arrived at WDW, we headed straight for Epcot and apparently the Seas! The second photo was our first castle photo...

...and they lived happily ever after. Awwww... :)

Hard to believe we will be married 10 years in April! Time flies when you're having fun!

Have a great rest of your week!

When you think about your first Disney photo, what image comes to mind? 


  1. My first visit to Disney was Disneyland when I was almost 5. My parents have those pictures.

  2. Ha, my family talks about this topic a lot because my dad had this silly shirt we always made fun off and sure enough he wore it on our first Disney trip so it's in all our family
