
Friday, August 26, 2016

Fitness Friday & Birthday Weekend - 8/26

Well, it's Friday again and officially my birthday weekend! There are so many fun things planned this weekend - I can't wait! First, let me share my workouts for the week..

Currently Training For:

  • Cajun Cup 10K (Lafayette, LA)
  • Cajun Country Half Marathon (Lafayette, LA)
  • Disney's Princess Half Marathon & Glass Slipper Challenge
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon
Saturday - 5 mile run
Sunday - 2 mile walk with Brayden
Monday - Tone It Up Girls Workout
Tuesday - Tone It Up Girls Workout
Wednesday - Rest Day 
Thursday - 2 Mile walk with Brayden
Friday - 3 mile run

On Saturday morning, I went for a 5 mile solo run around my neighborhood. I didn't start until almost 8:30 a.m. and it was HOT. I was going to attempt six miles, but my head was starting to spin from the heat by 9:30 a.m. Thankfully, cooler weather will be here within the next few months and running later on Saturdays when Jason has to work won't be a problem!

Hi turtle friend!

My lungs are what bothered me on Saturday's run, and I definitely had to walk a few times. I'm attributing it all to the heat. :) Hopefully tomorrow's run will be much better!

My friend Kim came over to spend a few hours with Brayden and watch him while I ran. So thankful for her!!

This week was also the first time I took Brayden on a walk without the car seat in his stroller. HE LOVED it and was so excited to see everything around him! The sun was still out on Sunday evening's walk, hence the shades. He ended up falling asleep during the walk!

This week brought more rain but also several pretty sunsets!

On Sunday, we are taking Brayden to his first Astros game! You have no idea how excited I am!! We've also been practicing in the baby carrier and he loves it!

Speaking of my sweet boy, he turned 20 weeks old this past week! He sure is so much fun! I just love it!

Also for the weekend, we have dinner with both my parents and my husband's parents to celebrate. We are also taking family pictures tomorrow morning and uhhhh...our outfits...I have no clue what we are going to wear! Yikes! I love the idea of Brayden wearing a patterned outfit, then Jason and I each wearing a color out of his outfit but's not as easy as I thought! Ah well, it will all come together!

Have a great weekend!! :)


  1. How exciting that you will be taking Brayden to his first Astros game! I can tell you are really enjoying motherhood Karen!

  2. Happy Birthday! Hang in there with the heat - I'm so looking forward to cooler weather!!
