
Monday, August 15, 2016

Rainy Weekend

If you've watched the news throughout the weekend, I'm sure you've heard all about the massive flooding here in Louisiana. Thankfully, we are ok here - my area does flood and we did receive a ton of rain, but we were mostly on the outside edge of this crazy storm. I can't say the same for some neighboring towns, just 20 miles east of us. So many people aren't able to get back to their homes and have lost all they have due to river flooding. I can't even imagine how they feel. My heart goes out to them and so do my prayers!

Despite all of the rain, we were able to make the most of our weekend together! I sure do love spending time with my little guy!

On Friday night, I had trouble getting him to settle down, so we took a little walk around the neighborhood. I'm so glad we did because that 2 mile walk ended up being my only mileage for the weekend.

Thankfully, he settled down as soon as we began our walk!

I also wore my Legend Compression socks to work that day because my calves were a little sore after that morning's workout. I ended up leaving them on for my walk that evening and they did the job! My legs felt great that night! 

Despite the forecast, I set my alarm for a run on Saturday morning. Well, that didn't happen. Not only was it pouring down rain, it was thundering and lightning as well. I love running in the rain, but not that kind of rain (and it continued all Saturday and most of Sunday). 

Ah well. I stayed inside and enjoyed watching the Olympics with my little guy! He even wore festive clothing to cheer on Team USA!

After being cooped up in the house all day on Saturday, we visited my parents on Saturday night and had a ball!

On Sunday morning, I got up and watched the Women's Olympic Marathon while getting ready for church. It AMAZES me how fast they run! Incredible!

Speaking of flooding, my church also experienced a crazy flood back in December. There was up to 6 feet of water in some places of the church and it was caused from a break in the main water line. Over 55,000 sq feet was affected and it's taken until now for our restoration project to be completed.

Yesterday, we had our first service back in our sanctuary and it was awesome!

Celebrations all around!

New seating, stage, screens, lighting...everything was awesome!

We attended the evening service because it worked out with Brayden's nap schedule! Yay! A local news crew was there and interviewed several of us for a news spot. (I haven't seen it yet but I've been watching!)

We also had delicious steak and awesome sides!

In other news, I had my first food truck experience last week! There are several trucks in my town and although my husband tried out a few of them, I never had! One was parked near my work last week, so my coworkers and I decided to give it a try. We really liked it!

I ordered the Teriyaki Chicken and it was really good!

It was a lot of food and I ended up making two meals of it!

The egg rolls were my least favorite part of the meal and I ended up only eating one.

However, I give my first food truck experience a B+!

If you think about Louisiana today and over the next few weeks, please say a prayer for those who have lost everything and for those who lost loved ones.

Have a happy Monday!


  1. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the flooding. Your little one is adorable :)

  2. Y'alls flooding is awful. I feel bad for everyone who has been hit with it. :(

  3. So tired of the rain! It has still been raining on and off all day today here.

  4. I have been seeing the terrible weather in LA and have been thinking of you and your family. Glad to hear you are all okay!

  5. Glad to hear your sharing on the bad weather! ^^ I always like reading your article. Thanks!
