
Friday, September 30, 2016

Fitness Friday - 9/30

With the month of October fast upon us, Fall weather has finally decided to visit Southwest Louisiana and I couldn't be more thrilled!! (By the is it almost October already?!) The temps this week made the way for a few nice evening runs that weren't bogged down with intense humidity and heat. I truly love Fall!

Currently Training For:
  • Cajun Cup 10K (Lafayette, LA)
  • Cajun Country Half Marathon (Lafayette, LA)
  • Disney's Princess Half Marathon & Glass Slipper Challenge
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon
Saturday - 12 mile run
Sunday - Rest Day 
Monday - 2 mile walk with Brayden
Tuesday - 3 mile run
Wednesday - Rest Day  
Thursday - 4 mile run
Friday - PT/Leg exercises and workout

On Saturday, my friend Heather and I set out to accomplish a goal we hadn't done since last Fall - run 12 miles. The humidity was very thick (like breathing through a wet washcloth) and it made for a warm morning, but we did it!

This was also my longest run to date since having Brayden 5 months ago! 

One thing I learned from this run - NEVER forget body glide EVER AGAIN. Such a rookie mistake...I felt really stupid after it was all said and done. Oh well, I learned my lesson for sure!

On Tuesday, I had places to go and things to do, but my Garmin took FOREVER to connect to satellites. 

It had me all like....#notimpressed.

I've had this Garmin for a while now, so I'm pretty sure a newer one will be making its way to my Christmas list this year! :)

The humidity dropped significantly this week which means Tuesday and Thursday's runs were a little better than expected! Woohoo I love Fall!

Since yesterday was National Coffee Day, I had to stop by Starbucks for a drink on my way home! 

I went with my usual - Iced Non-Fat Caramel Macchiato.

As I drove to the window to pay, I was told that the person in front of me in line paid for my beverage! Say what!? I've heard of that happening in the past but it certainly never happened to me! I was so grateful and shocked, I told the barista thank you and drove off with a huge smile. After I got out of the parking lot, I realized I was kind of a jerk for not paying for the person behind me in line. Ugh. Oh time I go, I'll definitely do that!

Thursday night's run went well, too! I decided to push myself a little harder than I did on Tuesday night to see if I could run further (4 miles) and also a little faster (below a 9 min pace).

Mission accomplished!

Fall weather is truly supposed to arrive this weekend and I can't wait! Saturday morning's run is going to be fabulous!

A few extra things before I go....
  •  Thank you to everyone who prayed for Pixie! She was given an antibiotic shot and some oral meds and seems to be doing much better! Whew. I feared the worst, of course...hah! 
  • Remember that Legend Compression Giveaway Contest I mentioned on Monday? Well, all you have to do is click here or here and enter your email address in the popup window! You'll automatically be entered for the chance to win a $100 online shopping spree! It's as easy as that - you'll be entered for a chance to win and the winner will be chosen on 11/1! Good luck! :)
I'll leave you with a few pictures of my sweet little guy!

He was a hit at church on Sunday in his little hat and outfit!

Y'all, the back of this outfit even had pockets on the butt. I'm a hoarder of all things baby clothes. It might be a good thing I didn't have a girl! Hehe!

Have a fabulous weekend!!


  1. Darling photos of your little boy. I love them. Have you tried updating your Garmin online? Sometimes that helps with the satellite connection. However, a new one at Christmas would be a great gift.

  2. A new Garmin sounds like a great item to put on your Christmas wishlist. I got mine a couple of years ago for Christmas.

  3. Aww so cute! One year when my sister and I were driving back from the airport (after the Disney marathon) a car in front of us paid a toll for us at the toll booth. It couldn't have come at a better time too cus we were like scrounging for change. We didn't even think about paying for the person behind us cus we were too much in

  4. The weather has been so great!!! It's amazing how much you feel when you can actually breathe!! So glad little Pixie is ok.
