
Monday, October 31, 2016

10K Goals

This weekend, I will run my first postpartum race - a 10K that runs through my hometown and ends on the 50 yard line of my local University. It's also the race that holds my current 10K PR.

I am excited but I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous at all. There's just something about race day that brings around so much anticipation...there's nothing quite like it! I also have a few goals I've set for myself for this race which only makes the nerves a bit worse.

This race will serve a few purposes...the main being a decent (hopefully) 10K time to post as a corral placeholder for Princess in February. I also registered for a back-up 10K that will be held the following weekend. I'm looking forward to both races, but I'm also glad to have the 2nd one as a "just in case" kind of race. I've also run both races before, which I think will help tremendously on race day.

With my IT band giving me a bit of an issue during last week's planned 12 mile run, I am going to keep up the PT routine and stretching throughout this week. Thankfully, I ran 5.5 miles on Saturday and had no issues whatsoever. I'm crossing my fingers that it will be the same for race day!

I set two goals for race day:

Ultimate goal: 54 minutes
Although my 10K PR is right around 51 minutes and change, that was a couple of years ago. I've also had a baby and taken a bit of forced time off from running since I don't think that setting a PR goal here would be feasible. However, running the race with my mile splits around 9 minutes each does sound obtainable.

I'd be happy with it goal: 59 minutes
Ultimately, I would like to reach anything under the 1 hour range.

Although my husband has to work and won't be able to be at the race to give his support, my parents will be there along with Brayden to cheer me on as I cross the finish line. I can't wait! I'm crossing my fingers that the weather is nice for Saturday!

Bring on race day!!


  1. Hope you have an amazing race Karen!!!

  2. Good luck Karen! You've been putting in a lot of hard work so I have no doubt that it'll pay off this weekend!

  3. I had so much fun finishing on the football field of our local university recently - it was a 10K race as well. Good luck with your race this weekend!

    1. Yes! I think it's such a neat idea! Thanks, Shelley!

  4. Good luck! I was nervous too when I did Tink since that was my first major race back after my ITB issues. Have fun and enjoy it :)

  5. I did the Saints run a couple of years ago that finished on the field in the Superdome. That was very cool! Have a great race!
