
Friday, October 14, 2016

Fitness Friday - 10/14

What an eventful week this has been! Where I was sick last week, my husband came down with the same illness this week. Luckily, my sinus stuff only lasted a few days and wasn't that bad but for some reason, it always hits my husband really hard...including red swollen eyes that water non stop. (And I don't just mean...oh he's a man so he's a big for real, his sinus stuff is pretty rough). I am so glad that doesn't happen to me but I sure do feel bad for him when it hits him! The worst time was a few years back when it hit him while we were in Disney - we even had special pictures planned at the Grand Floridian. Poor guy - the bright sun almost did him in!

Anyway, I know he will feel better soon, it just takes a few days. To top it off, Brayden went to Mother's Day Out all three days this week (as opposed to one) to give Jason a chance to rest. Also, Pixie had to be brought to the vet again because the conservative route of trying to control her collapsing trachea wasn't working. We discussed all the options with the vet and came up with a medical treatment that I hope will work (vs surgery). It's all a waiting game!

Whew. I'm tired. Haha! However, somewhere in all of that, (on top of working full time and having a graduating nursing precepting student this week), I managed to get in a few workouts! 

Currently Training For:

  • Cajun Cup 10K (Lafayette, LA)
  • Cajun Country Half Marathon (Lafayette, LA)
  • Disney's Princess Half Marathon & Glass Slipper Challenge
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon
Saturday - 6 mile run
Sunday - Rest Day
Monday - 3 mile walk with Brayden
Tuesday - PT workout - lunges/squats/stretches
Wednesday - Rest Day  
Thursday - 1 mile walk with Brayden/1 mile run on my own
Friday - 3 mile run

After doing a little math, I realized that I now have two races to obtain a decent time to submit for Princess in February. Both are 10K's and are coming up at the early part of  next month. I doubt I'll PR (my 10K pre-baby PR is 51 minutes and change), but I would still like to land a time somewhere in the 50 something minute range.

On Saturday morning, my friend Heather and I completed a 6 mile run around the lake. Our running group didn't meet  because a few in our group were running a triple weekend marathon (26.2 on Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday). The thought of that just amazes me. Anyway, we still stuck to our normal area/route and had a great time! The weather was beautiful and so was the sunrise! :)

I love this route!

My running skirt received a couple of compliments along the way, too! Yay for cute running skirts!

On Monday, Brayden and I walked 3 miles! 

My view... :)

He ALWAYS gets cranky around the 2 mile mark. I couldn't figure out what was going on, so I looked down......and discovered that he fell asleep.

3 miles for us! Score!

He loves going on walks with us! I can't wait to get my jogging stroller up and rolling. He has an appt on Monday for his 6 month check up and I'm going to ask about jogging with him now. I think it will be ok, but I want to make sure first.

Last night, we also completed another couple of miles! I walked one with Brayden, then ran one on my own before I ran out of daylight.

Today, I plan to get a run in after work and tomorrow I plan to run another one with my running buddy Heather! This weekend should (hopefully) be low key! Here's to another one!

Happy Friday and have a great weekend! :)


  1. Awww, Brayden looks so content in his shoulder. I love taking my little guy out for walks and runs in his stroller too. Wait until you start using the BOB. You'll love how it handles!

  2. That is a great view!
    My 50-something 10K time has expired so I should probably make that a goal of mine sometime soon if I ever race a 10k
    I hope everyone in your house stays healthy, including pixie. My lab currently has bronchitis so I know how it is having a sick pup and just feeling helpless. Hopefully the meds work so she can avoid the surgery.
