
Friday, January 20, 2017

Fitness Friday - 1/20

Happy Friday, guys! I'm so excited for another weekend and a chance to relax with my little's going to be a great one!

I know I haven't done a Fitness Friday post in a while...but better late than never, right? The events of last week left zero time for working out (like at all), so I'm back in full swing this week. Also, after my back to back half marathons in December, I needed a break. It was a nice break, I enjoyed it, and now I'm ready to get back out there and go again!

Currently Training For:

  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon
  • Disney's Princess Half Marathon & Glass Slipper Challenge
Monday - 4 mile run with Brayden
Tuesday - Rest Day
Wednesday - 3 mile walk with Brayden and Melissa
Thursday - 3 mile walk with Brayden and Melissa - also PT routine/leg strengthening
Friday - PT routine/leg strengthening combined with Tone It Up Girls YouTube workout

On Saturday, I plan to run a long run with my running buddy Heather. It's going to be strange without our running group, but it will be nice to get into our "new normal". Rock n Roll NOLA is literally right around the corner! Eeek! We basically have two Saturday runs left before the race weekend hits!

This past week wasn't a busy one, so I was able to log a decent amount of mileage throughout the week.

On Monday afternoon, Brayden and I set off for a 4 mile run. It was windy, warm, and somewhat humid. 

This weather made me appreciate the somewhat non existent cool days here lately and made me not look forward to summer. Ugh. 

After the run, we had dinner with some friends at Walk Ons. I had the VooDoo shrimp which was basically wrapped in bacon, cream cheese, and jalapenos. Talk about delicious!

Also included in this dish was a side of grits which Brayden ate most of.

This week, we dealt with our first bout of stomach upset with Brayden. Now that it's all said and done, I think something in his food didn't settle right and he threw up all afternoon. It was awful. I did call his Doctor's office who helped give me some advice. Thankfully by the following morning, his stomach was good again. In an attempt to not overdo it, we tried to start slow with pedialyte and just give him a few ml's followed by an ounce in a bottle. He did NOT want pedialyte. He wanted his (formula) bottle and he wanted it ASAP. Poor baby was so hungry! Thankfully he's all back to normal now!

On Wednesday, my friend Melissa and I went for a walk with Brayden. I knew that talking and walking would be beneficial for both of us (which it was). Brayden fell asleep almost the entire time and was still very sleepy for the picture!

On Thursday, my work crew and I went out to eat at a local bistro. I know the owner and loved seeing his place. The little dining area totally reminded me of the tower of terror at Hollywood Studios minus the dust! :)

We also ended up with an amazing King Cake for dessert. This was my first of the Mardi Gras season! Ours was stuffed with strawberry and cream cheese. YUM!

...and after all of the calories consumed, when Melissa asked if I wanted to go on another walk on Thursday afternoon, I said YES! Again, it was good to get out and walk around and just simply talk and laugh!

 Last but not least, this little stinker can get almost anywhere in my house but still won't crawl. He gets excited and tries to army crawl really fast which cracks me up. I looked up from a sewing project last night to find him under the jumper, playing with the hanging toys. He's too funny!

I hope you all have a fabulous Friday! Any fun weekend plans?


  1. I once babysat a kid who scooted on his butt, sitting upright the whole way, instead of crawling. It got him where he wanted to go.

  2. I can't believe how tall Brayden is getting. It is really evident in that one stroller pic. Does he enjoy running in the stroller?

    1. Yes, he loves it! Isn't it crazy how fast he's growing!

  3. Great job! I"m sad I won't be doing RnR NOLA this year!
