
Monday, January 30, 2017

Relaxing Weekend

You know those nice relaxing weekends where you spend most of your time at home just enjoying your family and peacefulness? Yeah...that's the kind of weekend I had and it was SO nice!

On Friday afternoon, I worked late and got home in time to ride with Jason to pick Brayden up from his grandparents house. We basically returned home, ate leftovers, and watched an episode of CSI Las Vegas. We are still trying to get through them all and are currently on season 12.

Saturday morning brought about cooler weather and my last long run before Rock n Roll New Orleans next weekend!

I met up with my running buddy Heather and we had a great run! I'm so looking forward to next weekend, too!

After the run, I enjoyed lots of play time and a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with Brayden! :)

He also had a handful of puffs after lunch! He sure does love those things! :)

I spent part of Brayden's nap time catching up on Runner's World Magazines. I loved the section of January's issue that talked about runners who had a cardiac event during a race and were resuscitated by fellow runners that performed CPR. I never want that to happen to me or anyone around me during a race, but I love that they are alive because fellow runners stepped in to help!

For dinner on Saturday night, we had Dickey's BBQ for the first time. They just opened here about a month ago and we wanted to try them out. It was really good!

Brayden enjoyed his peas, carrots, and beets, too! Haha!

We attended church on Sunday morning followed by lunch with my parents. After lunch, Jason and I went on his 5 mile training walk for the Enchanted 10K coming up in February during Princess Half Marathon Weekend. 

I couldn't pass up a chance to be out in the gorgeous weather! It was so nice outside!!

He did great and kept an awesome pace the whole time...I'm so proud of him! We talked the whole time and the miles really did seem to go by fairly fast! Brayden also missed his morning nap and was out for most of our walk. As a matter of fact, he's still sleeping now!

That's it for my weekend! I hope you had a great one, too! :) Happy Monday! Have a fabulous week!


  1. We had Dickey's BBQ all over Dallas, and they're pretty good. I'll have to find BBQ places in Boulder since it's a special treat.

  2. Sunday was a beautiful day here too! It's nice to have some cool, sunny days for a change.

  3. I think it's great that Jason is doing the 10k! Have fun next weekend!
