
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2017 Rock 'n' Roll New Orleans Expo

We arrived at the Rock 'n' Roll New Orleans Expo around 2 p.m. on Saturday. Expo's are one of my favorite part of race weekends and as we entered the doors of the Ernest N Morial Convention Center, it hit me that it had been over a year since I'd been to a race expo of this magnitude!

I was so excited and mentioned to my friend Heather how the nerves, excitement, and anticipation of race day always hits me once I walk into the expo floor.

A few years ago, we discovered a parking lot across from the convention center which made for super easy access to the expo as well as our usual dinner of pizza located not far down the road. Even though the parking lot is paid parking, this worked out better for us logistically because our hotel was a ways away from the convention center. 

We already had our waivers printed, but if we'd forgotten them, there was a place in the hallway to print waivers. I'll tell you, I was so glad I had my waiver in hand...the line at those computers and printers was rather crazy!

In true Rock n Roll fashion, the red carpet was awaiting our arrival at check in! :)

The bibs are broken down by sections of numbers and there was no line at my section! Score! After picking up my bib, I walked over to the t-shirt and bag table (it was just right behind me).

Rock 'n' Roll really makes this process super smooth and easy!

Of course I had to take a picture with my bib! :)

Next up was the official merchandise area where I was suckered in by baby merchandise. They sure knew how to get me! Heather and I also both purchased a visor!


...but it's so cute, yes? :)

Also included in the main merchandise/Brooks section was a photo area where runners could take a photo in front of the back drop, upload the photo to Instagram with a special hashtag, and the photos were  printed and ready in minutes right then and there! Such a neat idea!!

After browsing the official merchandise, both Heather and I set out into the Main Expo area to check out the vendors.

My favorite Sweaty Bands were there and I purchased one to wear for Valentines Day.

I also ran into Mr. Chris with Team 413 and it was great to see him again! We chatted for a few minutes to catch up, then discussed the pre-race prayer service that would be taking place the following morning. Did you know that a small prayer service will be available before every Rock 'n' Roll race that Team 413 attends this year? I love it!

In all, we spent several hours walking around and taking a few of the obligatory expo pictures, of course!

It wouldn't be a typical race weekend with me without a ton of pictures! :)

The expo was great and we had so much fun shopping around checking it all out. This is one of my favorite race series and the expo's never disappoint!

We had a delicious dinner (more on our time in NOLA later), then headed over to our hotel to check in.

In no time, I had my race outfit set and ready for race day! I was so excited to run Rock 'n' Roll New Orleans once again, I couldn't hardly stand it!

Stay tuned for a recap of my race experience coming later in the week! :)


  1. Rock n roll definitely puts on a great expo and are some of my favorites (besides Disney). That onsie is cute!

  2. It felt so weird not being there this year! I miss it!
