
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Dopey Challenge, Here I Come!

Well, I did it. Yesterday, I officially registered for the 2018 Dopey Challenge in Walt Disney World!!

Yes, this is a race I said I'd never run. I also said I'd never run a full marathon (now I've done 5) or Goofy's Challenge (I've completed it once), so here I am. Learn your lesson, Karen...never say never!

For those of you who aren't familiar with Dopey's Challenge, it's a 5K on Thursday followed by a 10K on Friday, the half marathon on Saturday, and the full marathon on Sunday for a grand total of 48.6 miles!

The whole idea behind Dopey began several months back. I finally began to feel the urge to run Goofy's Challenge again (it's been five hard to believe) and I considered asking my Florida friend Melissa to run with me. Instead, she actually text me first and asked if I would run Dopey with her. Well, "it's just a 5K and a 10K more"...yes, and a couple hundred dollars more but who's counting...but ok. I agreed and now I'm in!

It's also an anniversary year for so many of the races! The 20th Anniversary of the Walt Disney World Marathon was one of my favorite races and I'm super excited to be going back for the 25th Anniversary!

This will definitely be a one and done for me, but I'm super excited to rise up to the challenge! As you know, Marathon Weekend holds a super special place in my heart as that's where my running journey all began.

My IT Band will have to be nursed extra carefully over the fall/winter as I don't want to go into this race with an injury. Hopefully it will behave...I'm crossing my fingers at least!

The races...the characters...the costumes...the medals...oh my I can't wait!

So, who else is joining in for Marathon weekend? Anyone?


  1. So excited for you Karen! I'm still debating signing up for the marathon, but if I do, we'll definitely have to make plans to meet up!

  2. Aww, never say one and done! Do you think you will continue to run PHM in February next year too?

    When I did the glass slipper challenge (and 5k) after running the goofy challenge in January, I was completely zonked and my performance suffered (even though it was a month afterwards).

    Good luck though, that is exciting news!

    1. No, I won't be able to do both weekends with time off work. That is a lot - I can understand the burn out/zonked feeling!

  3. OH.MY.GOSH. I cannot imagine attempting the Dopey - you are a better woman than I! All of those medals will be pretty sweet, though. :)

  4. Yup, never say never. I might be there in 2019 with a family group, but that'll let me save up for the registration fee ;-p

  5. Get lots of sleep! Will you be taking Brayden?

    1. We haven't completely decided yet. If we do, we won't be alone.

  6. Me! I registered for Dopey as well - yikes & yay all at the same time! It will be my first Dopey and I'm also considering it a one and done idea (however, I said that about my marathon in the Fall yes, never say never!). I'll be excited to follow along on your training while I'm training.

    1. Hahah never say never is right! Happy training!!

  7. Yep - I've signed up for Dopey as well! I'm exceptionally nervous but ridiculously excited as well - it'll be my first marathon (probably not that smart but whatever!) and I can't think of a better place to do it :)

    1. Sounds kinda Dopey to me! ;) Just kidding...I couldn't agree more!! The Disney Marathon has been my greatest experience so far!
