
Friday, February 3, 2017

Fitness Friday - 2/3

 Currently Training For:

  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon
  • Disney's Princess Half Marathon & Glass Slipper Challenge
Saturday - 6 mile run
Sunday - 5 mile walk with Jason and Brayden
Monday - Rest day
Tuesday - 3 mile run
Wednesday - PT routine/leg exercises
Thursday - 2 mile run
Friday - Rest day/tapering for Rock n Roll NOLA

This week was a fun one when it came down to running and tapering! 

My week began on Saturday morning when Heather and I set out on our last long run before Roll New Orleans Half this weekend! The six miles flew by as we talked away. I love running long runs with a friend...the miles don't seem as daunting when you have someone to talk to!

On Sunday, my husband still had his mileage to do for the upcoming Enchanted 10K, so I offered to walk with him. It was such a gorgeous day, I couldn't pass up the opportunity!

Again, the miles flew by as we chatted. It didn't seem like 5 miles at all!

Brayden took his afternoon nap during the walk, so we were able to finish the entire thing together! :)

I appreciate gorgeous days like this one even more because we haven't had very many of them lately!

Tuesday was a great day, too! I got off work early and came straight home to get in a run before picking Brayden up from my mom's house. I love running with Brayden, don't get me wrong (and he loves it too), but it's amazing how much that jogging stroller slows me down. My average mile with him is usually a 9:30 and I was able to run negative splits and average 8:55 alone!

I also had a new achievement on this Garmin that I received for fastest mile! Woohoo!

Have you guys checked out KatieDid Productions over on Facebook? She hosted a "Fit For A Princess" headband sale and omg...I fell in love with so many of them! I had to restrain myself and narrow my selection down to only purchase two of them. This princess band one of my favorites! So cute and perfect for Princess Half Marathon Weekend!

As if that wasn't enough, our magic bands for Princess Weekend arrived in the mail!

So exciting!!!

On Thursday, Jason and I sent out for a few more miles. We hit rain showers around the end of two miles, so we finished it out and called it a day at two. 

Tapering for Rock n Roll New Orleans this week has been fun! The nerves won't hit until Saturday night, I'm sure! If you see me out and about around town, please say hi!! I would love to meet you! :)

Do you have anything fun planned for this weekend?


  1. Ha, I wish I could keep a consistent pace of 9:30 even not pushing a stroller. Nice job!

  2. It's always fun knowing Disney's around the corner!
