
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Another runDisney Race...

Today, I have a fun surprise to share! The pieces all finally came together this past weekend so I can now share the news with you guys!

Guess what?!

This May, I get to cross another race off my wish list! Any guesses?

Well, if you thought the Tinker Bell Half at Disneyland, then you're right!! I'll be tackling the Pixie Dust Challenge on one of the shortest weekends of my life!

How did it all come together? Well, during Princess, my friend Melissa and I tossed around the idea of running Tink and getting the pink Coast to Coast medal.

You see, we were both interested in running Tink and since we both ran Princess this year, why not? Also, I'm not participating in the Princess Half Marathon weekend next year due to running Dopey's Challenge, so I decided it was now or never!

We will be participating in the Pixie Dust Challenge - go big or go home!

On top of the gorgeous Tink medals, we will also receive this beauty and I can't wait. I've been eyeing this for years! I'm so excited it's all coming together!

The crazy part? I'll fly out of my home town on Friday mid-day, go to the Expo that night, run the 10K on Saturday morning, the Half on Sunday morning, then fly home Sunday evening. Like I said, the shortest weekend of my life but oh so totally worth it!

This also came as a surprise to me because I didn't think I'd get to participate in any other runDisney events this year! Also, this is my first Tink Half (second Disneyland race), so I'm looking forward to a new and fun experience!

Of course I'll blog and video the entire experience. Speaking of videos, stay tuned for the first of my Princess Half Marathon recap videos that will go live on Friday!! :)

Who else is running the Tinker Bell Half Marathon? Hope to see some of you there! :)


  1. So excited for you Karen! I'm sure you'll have a blast on your very quick racecation. Can't wait to follow along!

  2. I did the Tink 10k last year, and I loved the course. There's so much more time in the parks compared to WDW.

  3. I did all 3 tink races a few years ago and although I was injured (of course) I really loved the half marathon course! You will have a blast during your short time there. May I suggest staying at the Disneyland Hotel if you can still get in? The expo is there and it is a huge time saver staying right there since you don't have a lot of time. Congrats on making it happen!

  4. Congrats! My pink coast to coast is one of my favorite medals.

  5. How fun!! I want to go to Disneyland. When we were in CA we went to Universal.

  6. That's exciting! I hope you love the race as much as I did. I wish I could do it every year. Look for the Ladies in the Red Hats. Very uplifting!
