
Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday Five Week In Review

Hello, hello! What a whirlwind of a week it's been! No, I haven't fall off the face of the earth and although this week has been a bit cray cray, I'm still here!

Today's Friday Five is a freebie, so I'm going to share my week with you!

This Friday Five Linkup is hosted by  Running on Happy & Fairytales and Fitness.


This week has been full of all kinds of party planning and other fun things - but mostly party planning!

That's right - on Wednesday, my sweet little boy turns ONE year old. ONE! This past year has seriously been one of the fastest years of my life.

Planning for his birthday party has been in full swing and sheesh...I'm exhausted!  His theme is Mickey Mouse because this child loooooves Mickey Mouse! I can't wait to share all of the details with you! Pinterest has definitely been my BFF here recently!


On Saturday morning, my friend Heather and I ventured out for our long run a bit later than usual due to a CRAZY storm that passed through our area. We definitely could not have gone for our run at 7 a.m. like usual due to lightning, wind, and pelting sideways rain, so we waited until the storm passed which wasn't until about 11 a.m. The rain brought a chill to the air and I really enjoyed the run. Even though I'm used to having my run over by that part of the day, I much rather have gotten a run in than not at all! 


Speaking of running, I've been laying low on the running front this week because I think I injured my back by wearing my running shoes too long. Last week, I posted to Instagram about wearing my shoes for the last time and then as I mentioned, it rained like CRAZY on Saturday instead of opening a brand new box of shoes, I wore my old ones again. Well, that was stupid because I definitely needed to change them out and now I have a sore area on my hip/lower back and have had to sleep on a heating pad the past few nights. The pain has gotten so much better as the week has gone on but still, this is a lesson learned! When it's time to change your shoes, do it!


Beauty and the Beast! OH my gosh I finally had the chance to see it and I loved it!! I think Disney did such an amazing job with the live action version, I didn't want to leave my seat. I seriously wanted to go watch the movie all over again, right then and there! Round two will definitely happen soon and I can't wait!


My parent's 40th Wedding Anniversary took place this week! :)

We had a chance to celebrate when we were at in Disney in February, but it was fun to also celebrate with them again back home on the actual day!

I hope you all have a great weekend! I am thinking I'll skip my run this weekend (I'm sure I'll be running all over like mad for Brayden's party anyway), then resume on Monday and see what happens! I've seriously learned my lesson about shoes...I'll never do that again!

Have you seen Beauty and the Beast? What were your thoughts?


  1. I can't believe Braydon is going to be one already!

    I am horrible at determining when I need new shows cus I rarely wear them out.

  2. I can't believe your little guy is already turning one. Man does the time fly! I have not seen Beauty and the Beast but have been wanting to go. I can't find anyone that wants to go, maybe I will just have to go by myself!

  3. I can't believe that Brayden is already a year old! I can't wait to see pictures from his party. I have no doubt that you've done a fabulous job with planning his party.

  4. I switched my shoes in February, and I hope to make them last until late May. I'm rough on my shoes, but it's my shins that let me know it's time to switch. Shin splints are no fun.

  5. I can't believe Brayden is turning 1 already! Such a big year for you (and him)!! Hope your back gets to feeling better so you can enjoy all the festivities.

  6. I'm on the edge of changing one of my pair. I've actually been adding up the miles for my shoes this time around and it's close but I haven't had any pain yet. That makes me wonder if I should just change them or wait. I want to make sure I get my money's worth. :)
