
Monday, March 13, 2017

The Color Vibe and a Baby Shower!

This past weekend, I spent time doing something I love to do...volunteering! Since Brayden's been born, my volunteer time has been cut incredibly short which is ok because I really love spending time with him. However, it was nice to get back into my old routine, even if just for a short time!

My first volunteer opportunity happened on Saturday morning with The Color Vibe. The American Cancer Society has been the charity partner with this race for the past three or four years and since I'm on the Relay for Life Committee, I had the opportunity to volunteer!

Our crew's main job was the water station and boy did we have it going on! There were over 1,800 runners and only five of us, so it was incredibly fast paced once the runners began flowing in.

We rocked it! 

 This was the first wave of runners (there were five waves total).

I also had a couple of friends participate in this race and they did amazing! I was so proud of them!! This is obviously the "before" picture...

...and after!

They might have tried to hug me...but I ran away! Haha!

After the color toss, they really had it going on!

If 5K's that involved colored powder is your thing, check out the Color Vibe! It's a great organization and gives back to local charities. They also know how to have a great time!!

After the run, we had to have breakfast of course!

My second function of the weekend took place at our church for my sister-in-law's shower. I was asked to provide the decorations and I had a lot of fun making them! She went with a green/mint nursery theme, so that's what I based the decorations around.

There were several signs like this. Others said "Precious Little Miracle" (because he is...another story for another day), the verse from 1 Samuel 1:27, and the fourth one had his name in bold print. 

There are two types of tables in our glass foyer - tall skinny tables and short big tables. I chose two different centerpiece ideas off Pinterest and ran with them.

He's due in April. Get it? April showers! :)

My niece had so much fun pushing Brayden around in the stroller! She's too funny! 

After the shower, several of us went shopping at Sams and all happened to purchase matching skirts. They were so cute we couldn't pass them up! After our shopping excursion, we stopped for a sno ball - our favorite, "The Little Mermaid"!

Brayden was all dressed in his St. Patrick's Day themed gear for church this morning. I LOVE the plaid shirt with the blue jeans!

After church, I continued my project of getting the flower beds nice and neat once again. 

The weeds were making my head hurt. There's just something about Disney trips - I always want to get my yard looking nice every time I return home from a trip!

Thankfully, this little guy napped for a while then played outside in his jumper while I pulled weeds and guess what?! I'm almost finished! I just knew that the weed pulling would be a week long project and now it's not! YAY!

Next, we are going to buy a few new flowers as well as fresh mulch and make everything nice and pretty once again!

It was an exhausting weekend, especially with the time change, but we had fun! I hope your weekend was great, too! Stay tuned for more updates from our Princess Half Marathon Weekend! :)