
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Brayden's First Easter Egg Hunt

Hello and happy "almost" Easter weekend! We are excited for this weekend as it will be Brayden's first Easter and we will have a chance to spend time with family and do a lot of shopping! Let's also not forget the true reason we celebrate this Easter holiday! :)

Last weekend, Brayden attended his first Easter Egg Hunt - and it just so happened that it was hosted by our church!

In the days leading up to the egg hunt, we spent a few minutes each evening "practicing" how to put eggs in a basket! By the time the day of the egg hunt came along, he had the concept down pretty well!

The event opened to the public at 10 a.m. with Brayden's group (0-2 years old) hunt beginning at 10:15 a.m.

When we arrived, parking lot attendants handed us a schedule which was really nice to have in hand so we knew what was taking place and when! 

Behind our children's building is a large field and that's what they used to "hide" the eggs. Some eggs were extra special with prize tags inside!

Parents were allowed inside the egg area with the 0-2 group, so I was able to help guide him where he needed to be!

 The Easter Bunny made a visit and started off the egg hunt!

It was a lot of fun showing the eggs to Brayden and helping him put them in his basket.

His favorite thing to do with them, though is bang them together. Typical boy!

In the basket they go...

I can't wait to see what he's going to do next year as he will officially be walking by then!

Look at my egg, momma!

Posing for a picture with the Easter Bunny!

My friend Kim had the idea to make shirts for the day and I love how mine turned out!!

Along with the Easter Egg hunt, they also had fun jumps, face painting, balloon sculptures, and a train for the kids to ride. I completely forgot about the train, so we didn't get to go - oh well, next year for sure!

After all the groups had finished, there was a puppet show and a fun little message from our children's pastor and kids ministries team where they shared the Easter story. Also, awards for the prize eggs were given out here.

In all, we had a great time and really enjoyed the Easter Egg Hunt! Easter is one of my favorite holidays and I absolutely love spring and this time of year!

I hope you all have a wonderful a blessed weekend! :)


  1. I love how you had a "practice run" of putting eggs in the basket! Cute. Happy Easter!

    1. Haha we had to make sure he somehow understood what was going on! :)

  2. Will you start dying eggs with him next year, or when he's older? I always had fun doing that with my mom. She would put me in a smock to protect me from the colors.

    1. Yes, I definitely plan to do that with him! Looking forward to it as I also remember doing that with my mom! Such a fun tradition!

  3. Fun! Our church isn't doing one but our neighborhood is tomorrow morning!

    1. Oh how fun! I hope you guys had a good time! :)
