
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Happy 1st Birthday, Brayden!

Exactly 1 year ago at 5 p.m., my sweet little baby boy was born.

This past year has been full of learning, excitement, joy, anticipation, and wonder! We've learned so much throughout our short time of being parents and how to care for a baby. It's been a fun ride and I've tried to cherish every moment as they've flown by so fast.

I shared this song when he was first born and I'll share it again. It still makes me cry like it did then, too....

Happy birthday, sweet boy! I can't wait to see what the next year has in store! Love you to the moon and back! :)

Stay tuned for tomorrow's post as I share all about his Mickey Mouse themed birthday party followed  next week by his 12 month update! :)

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