
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

runDisney Belle Costume Book Prop

Over the past couple of months since the Princess Half Marathon, I've received several questions and comments about my Belle book prop that I held while running the half, so I am going to share a closer look at my prop with you today!

You guys know I'm all about the details and I felt as if my Princess costume was rather plain. It just needed a little something extra in my opinion. The book I used in the photos of my costume reveal was a legit book from my book shelf and I knew I didn't want to run 13.1 miles holding onto it as it was heavy and bulky.

The day we left for our trip, I had a brilliant idea....why not make my own book, tailor it to the Beauty and the Beast story line, and make it light weight and race friendly?! Yes, please! 

Enter: my very own "Tale As Old As Time".

  • Two pieces of lightweight foam
  • Card stock
  • Computer/printer
  • Copy paper
  • Tape
  • Mod Podge, clear
  • Paint brushes
  • Elastic band

To begin, I cut two pieces of light weight foam (from a local craft store) into 6x8 size. I then used copy paper and tape to "wrap" each piece of foam like a present.

Using Word, I created my story line as well as the front, back, and spine of the book, printed it all on card stock, then cut each piece to fit the dimensions of the foam.

The spine was the first portion of the book to be glued down and was followed by the cover and back of the book. After these pieces were relatively dry (I was working against time as we were set to leave for our trip), I used mod podge over the entire outside of the book to hold things in place. I also figured that using mod podge was my best bet for the book to maintain it's color/form while running a humid and sweaty race!

After the outside was dry, the inside story pieces were glued down and also mod podged into place.

Once it was all said and done, the whole book weighed a whopping 2.5 ounces

My plan was to just carry the book along with me throughout the race and toss it if it got on my nerves. However, my genius husband had a grand idea!

He asked if I had an elastic hair band that was stretched out to the max. Oddly, I did!

He slipped the elastic band around the spine of the book so I could use it as a handle while running the half! In the end, it worked out GREAT!

Many people asked how I ran this race holding a "book" and now you know! It was super light weight (at 2.5 ounces, I barely knew it was there), functional, and matched my costume to boot!

A lot of the characters made comments about the book prop, but Gaston's response was my favorite. He took it from me and told his cast member handler to "toss it in the fire"! 

Having the prop really added a lot to my race experience and I'm so glad I decided on the last minute add-in!


  1. That, seriously, was brilliant! What a clever idea!

  2. You know, you could be on to something here for those of us who like to carry gear with us--you could make a compartment for little things like gels, wipes, stuff like that! Very clever.

  3. Very clever - I wondered how you managed to run holding a hardback book! Now I know. :)

  4. Hi! I am leaving in a few days for the marathon weekend and am going to try and make a book prop for my belle costume! I have a quick question for did you glue the spine down to create a book that opened? Thank you!!

    1. Hey!! I'm pretty sure I just used a quick-dry glue from a local craft store. It was clear and I purchased it at Michaels. Hope that helps! Have SO much fun!!!

  5. I love this! I'm running as Belle during the Princess half! Did you use colored card stock for the covers? Thanks!

    1. Yay! That's awesome! I did use cardstock - but I printed the entire thing - green color and all. I also used mod-podge over the entire book so it didn't run/streak when it got wet. Have so much fun!!
