
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Marathon Training Truths

It's been several years since I last ran a marathon. In that time frame, I feel as if I've forgotten so much about the training cycle - long runs, fueling, aches and pains, etc. Now that I have waded into the shallow end of the pool so to speak with Dopey Training, there's a few things I realized about training for a marathon that I'd forgotten from prior training ready or not, here they are!

 Marathon Training Truths
  • It's called a training "season" for a REASON. You can't build up your mileage overnight and it takes weeks and months to "get there". I've always trained myself to be 10K or Half ready at any point but I definitely don't run anything over 10 miles on a regular Saturday morning long run (and lately it's been 5 or 6 miles). Knowing where I'm at and how far I have to go kind of makes me a little nervous but I know it'll be ok because I have the luxury of time until January of 2018. I love how Jeff Galloway's training plan allows plenty of weeks for marathon and Dopey training, that way runners are ready and prepared come race day!
Marathon Training Truths
  • Weight loss isn't always possible during marathon training and that's OK! It's so important to properly fuel your body with the intake it needs to get you through those long runs. The focus during this time frame should be on nutrition and proper intake, not cutting carbs or calories.  
Marathon Training Truths
  • Mantras and songs can be a runner's best friend. In the past, I've always had a "song" that made me look forward to a race experience or race weekend. Any former Jonas Brother's fans out there? Rolling your eyes yet? Yep, me too. Well, during the time of my obsession, my "song" for the Inaugural Wine & Dine Half (which was at night) was "Feelin' Alive" by the Jonas Brothers. "This is the night...for feeling alive..." I have to admit, that just made me smile a little bit! :)
Marathon Training Truths
  • Visualization helps SO much with training. There are times during long runs where I don't think I can keep going, so it's fun to check my mileage and try to visualize where I would be on the marathon course at that point in running through the castle, Animal Kingdom, or Wide World of Sports to name a few!
Marathon Training Truths

  • Last but certainly not least - it's not easy but it's definitely doable! I'm a firm believer that you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to. Twenty six point two may seem like a daunting task (or forty eight point six in this case), but if you take it one step and one mile at a time, you can do it! The human body is such an amazing thing - it can do way more than we give it credit for. Put away those negative thoughts and do the things you think you can't do!
What's your best Marathon training truth or tip?

Friday Five

Join Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness every Friday for the Friday Five 2.0 linkup!


  1. I always gain weight when I train for a marathon which I haatteee

  2. This is so helpful for a newbie like me!! I saw someone post on FB that after Day 1 of Dopey Training it's only 95 training runs to go. I thought that sounded insane but in retrospect, it's nice to have so much time to build up and (hopefully) stay healthy.

    1. Ohh that's a good way to look at it too (count it off backwards)! Hahah!

  3. I listen to music whenever I run, but be careful you don't listen to a song too much! I loved a song during my last training, but I heard so much that right before the race, I took it off and put on a new song.

    1. Oh that's too funny! Lately I've been listening to a lot of podcasts during my runs!

  4. I think it's the " time goal" that always gets me! Yes, it IS a hard task but I feel like it doesn't have to be THAT hard if you have no time Does that make sense? Now, that certainly doesn't mean you don't have to train for it, that's not what I'm saying. I'm always up in the air as whether or not i'll ever do another marathon. I want to but the training is a huge commitment! Good luck, i'll be following your training for sure!

    1. I agree, the training takes a huge commitment for sure!

  5. This is GREAT! I love the visualization. Whenever I am struggling and/or questioning why I am training for marathon, I visualize myself crossing a finish line with a BQ or crossing the finish line of the Boston Marathon. It works for me!

    1. Love that!! Great visualization, especially Boston!

  6. Marathon training is such an amazing experience! It can be scary, but it's also exciting to see where you start and where you finish as you make it to the finish line!

    Visualization and positivity definitely make a difference in helping you reach your goals. I hope you have a great time training!

    1. Yes I couldn't agree more to everything you said!!

  7. Always have fun. If it's not fun, it's not worth doing!

  8. Visualization got me through many long runs during my marathon training. One thing that made it easier for me is I ran a Half in October & just waited about 2 weeks before starting my Marathon training so it didn't seem nearly as bad.
