
Monday, June 5, 2017

River Road Take 2

Saturday morning long runs are almost always an adventure, specially when running down River Road. This happens to be the route where I once saw a ground rattler, a den of water moccasins, a gator, and I ran underneath a stopped train (NEVER again)!

Although Saturday's run didn't yield any heart stopping moments, it was still a fun and enjoyable run with my friend Heather! Bonus, this run didn't take place around my house again - some wonderful people from my running group have been setting up coolers in our old running group routes so we've been taking advantage of that! It's been so nice to see familiar faces out on the roads and run in an area I'm familiar with!

I also have to say that my dad is awesome. My husband was working days this past weekend and was unable to watch Brayden while I ran. So, my dad agreed to come over at 6 a.m. and waited around until Brayden woke up. Then, he took care of Brayden (diapers, oatmeal, milk, etc) until my mom came over after she woke up! His level of rock-star-ness just increased in my book! (By the way, he's an early bird anyway, so the 6 a.m. time frame didn't bother him at all.)

Ok, so on to the run. For starters, the humidity was in the high 80th percentile and the air felt heavy, like it needed to rain. Sadly, with the overcast skies, I didn't get a glimpse of a beautiful sunrise like usual. Oh well....maybe next time!

 One thing we did notice that we hadn't seen in the past were these gorgeous white flowers!

They were all along the side of the road and we had no clue where they came from!

If you look beyond the greenery, you can see an entire field of them! Heather and I both agreed that the field would be an awesome place to take pictures! Sadly, there was no way to get to the field as the ground was nothing but a swampy, marshy mess. I would love to know what type of flower this is.

Another random sighting was this troop of geese! They were all over the front yard of this home. There were even a few babies in the mix!

Although we only planned on a 6 mile run, we ended up running right at 7 miles. It was a great run and the time passed by quickly because I was in good company! :)

Starbucks was definitely needed after the run, too! I ordered an iced non-fat caramel macchiato. I'm pretty boring because I usually order the same thing every single time. It was definitely a nice and refreshing treat after a warm Saturday run!

That's it for my Saturday run! How was your weekend? Did you go for a run or participate in a race/event?


  1. Wow that is fantastic that your dad will come over so early and watch your son so you can run. Hope you have a great week!

  2. You're dad is so awesome! Glad that you were able to get in your run on Saturday!

    I always look for any type of wildlife when I'm out for a run, but normally only see squirrels, chipmunks and geese!

    1. He is SO awesome, I agree! Squirrels are super common here. Oh, we also saw a bunny rabbit on Saturday, too! It hopped away before I could snag a pic.

  3. We saw a similar white flower field while running over here recently and the group consensus (from a distance) was that it was some form of giant hibiscus.

    Love that you make running work for you as a mom - it's not always simple to get out the door, but with support, you do it! Good on ya. :)

    1. Yeah that's what we were thinking, too!

      It definitely takes support and I have a great support system which is amazing!

  4. I love the passion iced tea from Starbucks in the summer. It's very refreshing when it's hot out.

    1. Oooh that sounds delicious, I'll have to try it out! Thanks!

  5. Those are beautiful flowers! I love having nature around while I run, gives me something to look at and enjoy. At my last job we had a path that went around the lake behind our building. There were geese and ducks everywhere. Along with them was their poop all over the path, so some days walking around was more hopping then walking.

    1. Oh how funny! One comment my friend made about the geese was the poop all over the driveway of that home and the street we were running on!

  6. Your River Road runs sound like my runs at the Island Park, always something interesting. I have got to go back and read the train story.

    1. Right?! Always something to see...always a story to tell! Haha!

  7. You're so lucky your dad will help out! Mine will do stuff around the house but the boys? He has no mom is good for that tho.

    1. Haha I hear you! My dad was kinda nervous but he did great!
