
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Thursday Training Thoughts

This past week was quite an interesting week.
It's been raining practically non-stop (until yesterday) which left the temps warm and incredibly humid. 
  • Despite the crazy weather, running has been going great! My knee has cooperated and I haven't had any issues (thankfully)! Although marathon training season hasn't yet begun (soon, though) my current plan is to keep up with our base mileage for now.
  • Speaking of training plans, Jeff Galloway's training plans for Marathon Weekend are available now on the runDisney website! I'm going do a modified version of his Dopey schedule and I'm so excited to begin! Dopey training starts on June 27th so if you're thinking about using Jeff's plans, get them downloaded now! Also, Jeff has been so gracious to share his training tips with all of us - if you'd like to check them out, click here!
  • Back to my week - I'd planned to go for a run on Monday but when I stepped outside, I felt as if I was in a sauna. I was literally short of breath just walking from my work building to my car which is maybe the length of two football fields. I felt as if a wet, warm washcloth had been placed over my face and I was trying to breathe through it. CRAZY. I knew a run was going to be impossible that day so instead, I did a little cross training at my house (in the AC) and even involved Brayden in some of my routine. I figured a 25+ pound kid made for adequate weights for squats and lunges....and he loved it! Bonus! 
  • On Tuesday, I attempted to outsmart the weather and went for a nice little lunch time run. I was in a hurry so I pushed myself and when I saw the time for my first mile, I knew I had to keep going. Sadly, I didn't take my own advice and had ZERO hydration along the way. Thankfully the rain had not yet passed through and the humidity was down so it wasn't horribly warm out at that point (like Monday)! 

  • Lately, thanks to an idea from Meranda, I've been setting aside a little time to work on my race scrapbook. I was terribly behind (as in...2013 behind) but am now caught up to 2014! Each page in my scrapbook is themed around a different race and is filled with pictures and the bib from that race (sometimes a race takes up 2 or 3 pages if there's a lot to share). It's so much fun re-living these memories from years ago and I'm excited I have the opportunity to work on this project once again!

Did you know that yesterday was Flag Day? I had to read up a bit on the holiday itself because I didn't realize all the day entailed! Not only is it a holiday to celebrate the adoption of the flag of the United States, but it's also the birthday of the US Army! Pretty neat!

That's all for now! How are you surviving summer time running? How do you preserve your race memories?


  1. The weather is feeling particularly brutal already, which scares me for the rest of the summer months -it's just tough running in this heat and 100% humidity!

    1. Isn't it crazy?! I'm not looking forward to July and August, that's for sure!

  2. I like the idea of a race scrapbook. I have all of my bibs from the major races I've done, but I never know what to do with them.

    1. Right! And they just piled up on a shelf here, so that's why I decided to scrapbook them! :)

  3. Summer running just plain sucks. I run at orange theory twice a week but it's only around 3 miles. I haven't gone any longer outside b/c it's miserable!

  4. I got excited when I saw the picture of your race pictures and race bibs. I can't wait to see what the final project will look like. Please post pictures. My goal for summer is to create some type of Shutterfly book since I've been so far behind on documenting my races and vacations.

    1. Once I finish, I sure will!! :) Shutterfly books are fun, too!

  5. I managed to miss our couple of days of summer while I was away (seriously, it's barely 60 today and raining. Again!).

    My husband hangs my half medals -- does that count, LOL?

    1. 60's in June! Can you send some of that my way?!
