
Friday, July 28, 2017

Dopey Challenge Training Week 6

In last week's training recap, I mentioned that I had been experiencing a sore hamstring. I took the advice that so many of you gave and laid off my long run on Saturday, iced my leg, and took it easy throughout the weekend. I'm happy to report that by Tuesday's run, all hamstring tightness and soreness was gone! Yay! I appreciate your advice and am (hopefully) moved past the point of injury!

Fitness Friday

Currently Training For:
  • Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA
Saturday - Rest Day
Sunday -
2 mile walk
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday - 3 mile run
Wednesday - Squats/Lunges/PT
Thursday - 3 mile walk
Friday - Cross Training

Apart from my cooky hamstring, this past week was an emotional struggle. My best running friend laid her son to rest and needless to say, getting mileage in wasn't a priority. If you guys could continue to be in prayer for Heather and her family, I know she would appreciate it (so would I)! Thank you!

Dopey Training

On Sunday after visitation, I had to get out of the house - so Brayden and I went for a 2 mile walk around the neighborhood. Now that I've been pushing the Bob consistently on our runs and walks together, I appreciate the Bob so much more when I use non-Bob strollers!  The Bob is just such an easy ride in ways other strollers are not!

Dopey Training

After the funeral on Tuesday, Brayden and I went for a 3 mile run and dedicated our run to  Heather! She's a big Snow White fan, so we both wore our 7 Dwarfs shirt for her! :)

Dopey Training

This run was great because although it was so very hot out, I had zero hamstring issues and still managed negative splits with the Bob! Mile 1 was 9:34, mile 2 was 9:18, and mile 3 was 9:14! 

Dopey Training

Melissa joined us for our Thursday night miles! The temps were "feels like" 102 degrees but the humidity was low - thankfully, it wasn't overwhelmingly hot.

Dopey Training

Dopey Training

This silly kid loves to take glasses off my face and hats off my head, then he tries to put them back!

Dopey Training

On Wednesday, Brayden had his 15 month appointment and is doing very well as far as development and growth are concerned! He is in the 75th percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for height. The doctor wasn't terribly concerned about his vocabulary (he only has about 3 words or so down now), so we will see what his 18 month appointment brings!

Have a great weekend, y'all!


  1. I'm so glad to hear that your hamstring is feeling better. Taking extra rest now, early on in your training, to help prevent injury is definitely the right idea. You don't want to get injured now!

  2. Yay for a happier hamstring!

    I'm envious of that super low humidity you had.

    And my youngest didn't talk until she turned 2...and then she never shut up. I bet Brayden is just listening to you guys and storing it all up for when he really wants to tell you everything. ;)

    1. The low humidity did NOT last long unfortunately! I hear that about kids who don't talk until later! Too funny!

  3. You are getting pretty speedy with that Bob! I bet it makes non stroller runs seem even easier!

  4. Yay for a better hamstring. I'm always paranoid about those sorts of things. I heal slower now than I did when I was in college.

    1. Right! I feel like taking precautions now will definitely help in the future!
