
Friday, July 7, 2017

Fitness Friday - Dopey Challenge Training Week 3

This holiday week really flew by! Having a day off of work in the middle of the week helped the remainder of the week go by really fast. Doubled with super busy post-holiday days at work, I'm happy for another break this weekend!

I'm currently in week 3 of Dopey Challenge training. I realized that I forgot to mention a few things - yes, I realize I should be on week 2 since I'm following Jeff Galloway's plan, but there's a couple of reasons for that. For starters, it's hurricane season and you never know what that might bring. If I have to lose a week of training due to some crazy storm, I don't want to end up too far behind. Secondly, I'm impatient and couldn't wait any longer to begin training. That one speaks for itself. Last but not least, we are going on our 10th Anniversary trip this fall and I plan on missing two Saturday long runs while we are away. I want to be able to fully enjoy our trip and not worry about getting in a long run on a treadmill out in the middle of the ocean. So yeah, there you have it - my reasons for beginning Dopey training a week early! :)

Fitness Friday

Currently Training For:

  • Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA
Saturday - 5 mile run
Sunday -
Rest Day
Monday - Squats/Lunges/PT routine
Tuesday - 4 on the 4th - Race Day & PR!
Wednesday - Rest Day
Thursday - 3 mile run
Friday - Cross Training with the Tone It Up Girls

I relived my Saturday struggle city run in my weekend recap. It was a tough stroller run and I struggled big time, but I realized after running Tuesday's race that my stroller runs are really helping my overall strength and endurance! Bonus!

Saturday's goal was to finish all five miles beneath a 10 minute mile pace. Mission accomplished!

We enjoyed "swimming" this weekend and the cool water was a nice getaway from the summer heat!

On Tuesday morning, I ran a local 4 miler (solo, no stroller).

Like I mentioned earlier, I think my stroller runs have really helped my endurance because I managed a 30 second PR on a super hot day!

Last night, I took Brayden out for a 3 mile run around the neighborhood.

About halfway through the run, I noticed that he was zonked out! Must be nice!!

It poured right before our run, but the rain gave way to a gorgeous evening!

Also, my favorite juice place in town had a special yesterday where all of their smoothies and cold pressed juices were on sale! I decided to be brave and try a few - I really liked all of them except the blue one (it has cayenne pepper in it and boyyyy is it spicy)!

This time I tried a green smoothie made with peach, banana, coconut water, kale, ginger, and honey smoothie. Brayden enjoyed it, too....guess I'll have to get him one of his own next time! :)

I hope everyone had a great week and has an even better weekend!


  1. That last picture - when did your baby turn into a little boy?!?!

  2. Aww, looks like Brayden likes his pool!
    I need to get me a stroller! Or I need to hook up with a mommy and run with her little ones in a stroller.

    1. Hahah! The Bob glides really well - I didn't even realize I was getting an extra benefit from running with it!

  3. Kudos to you for getting a jump start on your training knowing that you have your big anniversary trip coming up in the middle of your training. I intend to still do a long run, likely on the treadmill, during our anniversary trip next month. We'll see if I actually follow through on that plan...

    1. I hear you! I'm just wanting to enjoy the cruise and not have to worry! I'll still run during the week, but I won't worry about a long run during that time.
