
Friday, August 4, 2017

Dopey Challenge Training Week 7

Hello there and happy Friday! Another weekend has arrived and I'm super excited for all it has in store! I'm also excited to spend time with my sweet little family this weekend as I'm sure most of it will be spent in the pool!

Here's how my workouts went this past week:

Fitness Friday

Currently Training For:
  • Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA
Saturday - 8 mile run
Sunday -
Rest Day
Monday - 3 mile walk
Tuesday - Squats/Lunges/PT
Wednesday - 4 mile run
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Cross Training

As I recapped on Monday, this past weekend was a pretty crazy one - complete with a trip to the ER for my little one. Thankfully, that's all behind us now! 

Saturday also included a long run of 8 miles which is the furthest distance I've run since the Tinker Bell Half Marathon this past May. My legs felt very tired and heavy during this run, but I'm chalking that up to the humidity and heat!

By Monday, I was still a little achy from Saturday, so all three of us went out for a 3 mile walk around the neighborhood!

Our Wednesday night run was a special treat since I'm never able to run on Wednesdays due to church that evening. I decided to run a 4 mile training run as I hadn't done that mid-week in a while. It slightly drizzled at the beginning of our run which helped cool things down tremendously!

As far as the remainder of the week goes, today is a cross training day followed by another long run on Saturday!

This week, my tiny little tomato decided to ripen, so we picked it and placed in the window seal. The first tomato from this plant decided to split open and go crazy, so the tomato you see here is the first one I've been able to pick and save! I can't wait to taste it! 

This week also marked Brayden's last day in the "baby room" at Mother's Day Out! He started with his teacher last August at 4 months old and finished up this past week at 15 months old. Sigh... Time, please slow down!

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing and fabulous weekend! Happy August!! 


  1. That last set of pictures REALLY shows how fast babies grow - oh my heart! What a doll Brayden is.

  2. I'm not missing the Texas heat and heavy August air. If the temps are nice tomorrow, I want to test out my Garmin.

    1. I bet you aren't! I love where I live but wish we had less humidity. Guess there's pros and cons anywhere you live.

  3. Glad that your little one is feeling better!

    Great job on your training this week :)

  4. Aww, your little baby is growing up so fast!

  5. Isn't is amazing how fast time goes (when looking back LOL), and how much our little change through the process? Glad your little guy is feeling better ;-)

  6. Wow, Brayden has grown so much. Its always amazing to see side by side pics of our babies, even when there's only a couple of months difference between them. Its amazing how quickly our boys are growing!

    1. You're right - even a few months makes a huge difference!

  7. Great job on training! It's so hard to train for Dopey in the summer months!

  8. The tomato was so good but waaaay too small - I wanted more! Haha!
