
Friday, August 25, 2017

Dopey Training Week 10 & Weekly Recap

Happy Friday, y'all! This week has taken a bit of an interesting turn with several long days at work, a busy schedule, and lots of rain!

Fitness Friday

Currently Training For:
  • Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA
Saturday - 10 mile run
Sunday -
Rest Day
Monday - 4 mile run
Tuesday - Squats/Lunges/PT
Wednesday - Rest Day
Thursday - Squats/Lunges/PT
Friday - Cross Training

This past Saturday, I was able to tackle a run that's been hanging over my head for a couple of weeks now!

Ten miles never felt so great, especially with this little sweetheart waiting on me when I returned home!! :)

Monday's eclipse was fun for us to see! We had a good little group outside at the end of our lunch break to share the eclipse glasses!

I was able to take this picture through a pair of glasses! We only had 71% totality, so it never got really dark here - it just looked as if a cloud passed over the sun for a little while.

Our eclipse crew! :)

After returning home from work, I decided to attempt a run. Although I had three miles on my mind, we managed to run four instead! 

Just as we walked out of the front door, it began to pour down rain. I thought it was odd because the radar didn't even show anything in our area at the time. So, we decided to wait it out and thankfully, the rain passed rather quickly! It really turned into a great run!

On Tuesday, Brayden started his first day in the Toddler class at Mother's Day Out! He had a great day and I was so relieved. I was seriously worried about the nap mat as he's never taken a nap on anything like that in the past.

Wednesday was haircut day for Jason and Brayden! This was Brayden's fourth haircut!

I also took my middle/high school girls class out for yogurt and a stroll through the park on Wednesday night! We had so much fun!! :)

On Thursday evening, the outer bands of Hurricane Harvey began to pass through our area which meant no run for me. Instead, we spent a bit of time with my parents! Brayden and my dad are checking to see if it's raining here....haha!

Since they are the only members of my family I didn't mention - Pixie was groomed on Thursday and looks & smells so nice!

Madalynn on the other hand had an unusual spot pop up on her face. She's been prone to nodules and cancerous tumors in the past and this one looks worrisome to me.  I'm going to take her in this afternoon to see if someone can take a look at it.

Keep my girl in your prayers if you will! :)

Apart from running, I also added in an extra day of my PT routine to see if that helps my IT band (I'm sure it will).

This weekend is my birthday weekend and Hurricane Harvey is headed our way. Although we are not in the middle of the projected path, we are on the outskirts and are expected to have lots of rain! This will be my third birthday weekend to share with a hurricane over my lifetime - perks of living in the gulf coast with a late August birthday!

If the rain lets up anytime between here and Sunday, I'm going to attempt a long run. We shall see what happens!

Have a great weekend! 


  1. Stay safe and dry this weekend and happy birthday!

  2. Happy happy birthday!! Have a great weekend! Stay dry :)

    1. Thank you so much! Hope you have a great weekend as well! :)

  3. No running for us this weekend thanks to Harvey - oh well, enforced rest days can't be bad, right? Have a great weekend!

    1. You're right - reinforced dead days aren't so bad! Stay safe!!

  4. It is that time of year, isn't it? My God family lives in Houston, but they got generators after Rita. My Godmother said she can live without a lot of things when the power goes out, but she needs AC.

    1. Oh man I understand that all too well! Hope they stay safe and dry!

  5. Brayden's smiles melt my heart every time I see them, so I can only imagine how much they melt your heart. <3

    1. Yes you're right they do!! I just love his smile! :)
