
Monday, August 28, 2017

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

My oh MY what a weekend! This is the third birthday weekend I've shared with a hurricane and each has its own set of stories to tell. Perks of living off the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, right? :)

Despite the storm, tornado, and flash flood warnings from Hurricane Harvey, I still managed to make the most of it all and enjoy my birthday weekend!

On Friday afternoon after work, I took Madalynn to the vet to have that spot on her face checked out. I was seriously nervous that something was VERY wrong, but thankfully it seems fixable. They told me that a cracked tooth became infected and the infection spread up into her sinus cavity and presented as a sore on her cheek. I'm taking her in today to have that tooth surgically removed and everything should resolve itself! (Say a prayer for her today if you think about it! Thank you!)

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

After returning home from the vet's office, I decided to take my chances on a run as I figured Saturday's forecast wouldn't allow for one (well, outside at least).

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

The run ended just a few minutes before the first outer bands of Harvey hit our area.

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

The heat index was at 85 degrees which actually felt pretty nice compared to the heat index we've had the past several weeks!

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

On Friday night, we had dinner with my parents at one of my favorite restaurants, O'Charleys. We somehow managed to maneuver between rain storms and made it to and from dinner without any mishaps!

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

Dinner was delicious as always and afterwards, we returned to our house for cake and gifts!

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

Y'all, this CAKE is amazing. I've had this same cake for the past several years and I look forward to it every year. This one is chocolate with whipped peanut butter icing. OMG.

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

Side note, how am I already 35?! What the heck.

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

Jason had to work on Saturday, so Brayden and I spent the day together! We played with #allthetoys and once the rain stopped (for the time being), we made our way outside to pull weeds!

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

We were in and out several times throughout the morning in between storms. While I did all of the dirty work, Brayden had a ball playing in the mud puddles, dirt, and water. This kid is 100% all boy and I love it!

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

On Saturday night, my friends and I had dinner at Rotolo's! Despite the off and on rain, it didn't really start to get bad until Sunday.

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

Sunday morning was my actual birthday and that's when all of the fun began! I made breakfast for Brayden and I, then we headed to church.

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

While there, my friend put me to work in the coffee shop! I've worked the coffee shop off and on for the past several years but never learned the big machine. It's actually easier than I thought!  Latte, anyone? :)

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

Midway through church, we were alerted to a flash flood watch that continued on throughout the day.

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

The bad part about this whole situation is the fact that the roads in my town flood...BAD. Even with just 20 minutes of a hard rain, it's impossible to get around town. So, instead of having dinner at a restaurant after church, we drove to my house (which is right down the road from my parent's house) and had takeout for lunch!

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

We decided on fried chicken! I seriously love fried chicken but hardly ever eat it, so this was truly a treat!

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

After lunch, my friend Kim stayed to hang out and we basically laid around and watched the weather channel all afternoon during Brayden's nap! Sounds thrilling, right? 

Hurricane Harvey Birthday Weekend

My family and friends also know me all too well! The majority of my gifts were Disney related! :)

Despite the crazy storm and weather, my birthday weekend was a fun one and definitely one I won't ever forget! Also, I'm very thankful that our area didn't receive much damage from this storm system and hope it continues to stay that way. SO many prayers to our Houston neighbors who can't say the same right now. :( My prayers and heart goes out to you guys as sadly, it still isn't over.

I hope you guys all had a great weekend and if you're in the Houston area, stay safe! My thoughts and prayers are with you guys!!


  1. Happy birthday! I was thinking of you down there in the Gulf and was hoping you weren't effected to badly by the storm/hurricane.

    1. Thank you so much! We were incredibly lucky for sure!

  2. PS: I hope things go well with miss Madalynn. Vet surgery stuff can be very scary! Saying a prayer for your furry baby!

  3. Looks like you had a great birthday even with all the craziness of the hurricane! I'm with you, though - poor Houston. I feel so bad for them.

  4. Happy birthday! I'm sending pixie dust for Madalynn since furbabies are so important. I was worried about something on Allie's neck this year, but the vet said it's harmless. Whew!

    1. I know that feeling of relief for sure! Thank you!!
