
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Marathon Training, Good Hearts, and Furbabies

The blog has been a little quiet over the past few days, partly due to the fact that Tropical Storm Harvey was passing through my area which caused our normal routine schedule to be thrown out of whack! We worked half days all week so we could get our cancer patients treated without a break in their radiation. Driving to work on Monday was especially scary and lets just say I whispered a prayer of thanks once I made it there. This storm kept bringing flashbacks of Hurricane Rita which hit our area in 2005 and my heart goes out to the residents of Corpus Christi, Houston, Beaumont, and the surrounding areas that were devastated by this crazy storm.

Since it's Thursday, I thought I would share a few random thoughts and happenings going on over here.

Random thought: When you're cooped up inside the house for several days, a break in rain bands is a great time to play in water, with rocks, and random mud puddles. Oh, the life of a kid...

#1 Dopey Training

Well, when I first talked about my Dopey Training schedule and the reason I started training a week early, I mentioned hurricane season. Maybe I shouldn't have said it out loud? Oh well...this week hasn't been ALL a loss. Since being cooped up inside all weekend and now most of the week, I've managed to work a lot on my lower body and with my PT routine. Chasing Brayden around all day has been quite the workout, too! Whoever said their toddler was their cardio workout was 100% correct! The weather is supposed to be clear(er) on Saturday, so a long run is on the schedule. Hopefully all works out to do so!

#2 Good Hearted People

This goes without saying that during devastating times, you really do see the best in people. I am so proud of the way our community has rallied around to help not only our fellow neighbors but also those displaced from Texas. The hospital I work for has opened its arms to anyone in the middle of their cancer treatments and are now displaced due to the storm. Can you imagine how it would feel to be in the middle of your daily radiation treatments or weekly chemotherapy regimen and then  suddenly unable to continue your treatment? I can't even fathom the anxiety or worry.  Also, the Cajun Navy, the National Guard, Police and Sheriff Officers, Volunteers and everyone who has stepped in to help rescue storm victims from their homes - true heroes. Good hearted people, y'all. The world is full of them. It's sad that it takes a tragedy like this one to let it be known. We should strive to be the best we can be and show love to our neighbor every single day, not just in time of tragedy.

Random thought: Gumbo is good any time of year, but especially when pictures constantly pop up on facebook of others making gumbo during a storm. That's when you MUST also make gumbo!

#3 Madalynn

Although not storm related, this one still is worrisome news. Last week, I mentioned that Madalynn had an abscess pop up on her face and was in need of a tooth extraction. Well, during the extraction and cleaning, her vet found a random worrisome spot on her hard palate and sent it off for biopsy. I'm trying not to freak myself out, but I'm also trying not to sugar coat it either - it doesn't appear to be a good thing. On a positive note, Madalynn is back to her cheerful and happy self and hasn't let any of this slow her down one bit. As soon as we returned home from her surgery, she wanted food ASAP! For now, we are awaiting the biopsy results and taking it one day at a time. Thankfully, none of this is bothering her for the time being. I sure do wish our furbabies could stick around as long as humans do. When they become a true part of your family, stuff like this can be so hard. Keep her in your prayers if you think about it! We sure appreciate it!

I hope you've all had a great week! Thanks for following along with my randomness, I appreciate you!


  1. haha I always get comments on my tank top saying my toddler is my cardio!
    Also fingers crossed for the puppy. Hopefully it's not what my sassy had :(

    1. I was thinking about sassy when all of this started! So sad. :( Thankfully Maddie is still her happy go lucky little self!

  2. I do have family in Houston, and thankfully they're OK. They weren't flooded out, but they're neighborhoods were flooded so they couldn't go anywhere. My God brother and his fiancee set up a jump house in their living room for their kids to expel some energy.

    1. Oh good I'm so glad they are safe and dry! What a scary situation!
