
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Podcast Favorites

It's no secret that I love to listen to podcasts while running! Over the past year or so, my spectrum of podcast subscriptions has broadened, so I thought I'd share a few of them with you guys today! Of course, these podcasts are all Disney and/or running related because who doesn't love a little Disney talk while training for a runDisney event? Exactly.

How do you find a podcast, you might ask? Well, it's fairly simple! I personally use the podcast icon on my iPhone, but a lot of these podcasts can also be found through iTunes, Stitcher, and Podbean, just to name a few!

This method allows users to make a favorites playlist which updates every time a new podcast is posted. That way, users can listen to the newest from each of their favorites in one feed, just by opening the app. I love it!

Now, without further adieu, here's a selection of podcasts from my favorites list (in no particular order.....except the first one because they really are my favorite)!

#1 The Disney Exchange

Y'all know I love these guys as I've shared this numerous times. They keep me laughing and highly entertained. Lisa, Dave, & Nick are the best! They were even nice enough to have me as a guest on one of their runDisney podcasts! Check it out if you missed it! :)

#2 Let's Run Disney Podcast

The Let's Run Disney Podcast was a relatively new discovery for me, but I began listening a few months ago and realized that I recognized a familiar was Megan, a long time blogger and runDisney friend of mine! Talk about small world! Now, I listen to this one faithfully! 

#3 Mickey Miles & More

These podcasts are a bit on the shorter side which is perfect for me and a short run or a short drive around town. These guys talk about a variety of runDisney and regular Disney topics/Disney updates!

#4 Be Our Guest WDW Podcast  

I love this long-time podcast as it has so many episodes to back listen to if I ever have an empty playlist. They love to give-back, too and I enjoy the hosts lighthearted banter. These tend to run on the longer side, so if you're looking something to listen to during a long run, this is a great one! They even have a running team (Be Our Guest Lizards) with a dedicated facebook group of of runDisney enthusiasts who participates in runDisney events! Fun times!!

#5 MouseGeek Radio

This is a newer podcast, but I've enjoyed listening thus far! Mallory was a favorite from the Dixie Landings Radio Podcast (no longer in action), so I'm glad to see that she's started her own!

#6 Disney Cruise Line Blog Podcast

Yes! What could be more perfect than a Disney Cruise Line specific podcast?! I'm just a few episodes in, but this one is great for all things DCL!

#6 Enchanted Tiki Talk Podcast

Again, this is a newer one to my playlist, but these guys are also hilarious and keep me laughing and entertained! This is an all-dudes podcast and I enjoy listening to their back-and-forth banter!

#7 Fit Mouse Podcast

Although they aren't recording podcasts as regular anymore, I still enjoy listening when one pops up in my feed! These ladies discuss all things health/fitness/Disney and it's another great one to listen to while out for a run!

#8 WDW Radio

Last but not least, I can't go without mentioning WDW Radio! Another long-time podcast, this one has plenty of episodes to listen back on if your playlist is ever full! They also have a running team who participate in runDisney's always fun to see them out on the course!

Well, that's it for my current playlist of favorites! Are you a podcast fan? If so, what are your favorites?

Tuesdays On The Run

Tuesdays on the Run hosted by ErikaMarcia, & Patty!


  1. I like listening to podcasts during my long runs. I didn't know Disney had so many. I always just listen to running ones.

    1. What are your favorite running ones? I've listened to the Marathon Show a few times, but that's the only running one I've tried!

  2. This post comes at the perfect time- I have been looking for some new podcasts! This isn't Disney, but my favorite is "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" from NPR.

    1. Awesome, Blake! I hope you find some you enjoy! Thanks for the recommendation... I'm going to look into that one!

  3. I never realized there were so many Disney podcasts! Honestly, I haven't tried listening to a podcast while running in a long time. I need to look into it!

    1. I know, huh? I think they've come more into popularity over the past few years!

  4. I definitely understand that too! There are some times when you just need a little music! (That's usually a race for me!)

  5. I have been listening to business/growth/entrepreneur podcasts lately!

  6. Whoa, Disney podcasts? Cool! I usually listen to Rich Roll

    1. Yeah!! Im always excited when i find a new one!

  7. I had no idea there were Disney podcasts. Then again I shouldn't be surprised since there are so many podcasts available now.

  8. I don't listen to podcasts but I really want to get started. I think they would be perfect for long runs. Thanks for highlighting a few great ones :)
