
Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Better late than never, right?

Two weekends ago was supposed to be a back-to-back training run for Dopey Challenge. With my son's sickness and a big lack of sleep on both of our parts, that obviously didn't happen.

Instead, my back-to-back training runs took place this weekend and although it was super hot outside, they went fairly well!

Dopey Training Back to Back

Friday's run was a scheduled 4 miler and I decided to run as much as possible while waiting on my father in law to bring Brayden to me. He arrived just as I reached 3 miles, so Brayden and I ran the last one together. My heart decided to jump into its crazy PSVT rhythm after the run, but it didn't take long to return to normal, thankfully!This hasn't happened in a long time and usually only happens when I'm stressed out or overheated. Hello "feels like 98 degrees"!!

Dopey Training Back to Back

Friday was supposedly the first day of fall, right? Well, Southwest Louisiana did NOT get the memo!

Dopey Training Back to Back

Our local news station put this out and I definitely found it fitting!

Dopey Training Back to Back

Saturday morning was beautiful and I loved watching the sun rise over the lake!

Dopey Training Back to Back

The humidity was a little high which made it somewhat difficult for me to breathe. I also forgot how heavy your legs feel after running the previous day! Needless to say, this run was slow going at times!

Dopey Training Back to Back

Around mile 5, I also encountered a 5K that I forgot was taking place! I ran on the sidewalk as not to be in the way. It did feel weird to be "in" a 5K that I wasn't actually running, so I got out as soon as I could.
Dopey Training Back to Back

Whew! I was so glad that was over! By the end of 12 miles, I was drenched from head to toe!

Although I had difficulty breathing with the humidity, my IT bands and hamstring never bothered me during the run! Yay!

Dopey Training Back to Back

Breakfast was (of course) from Starbucks! I tried their new iced Maple Pecan Latte and it was delicious! I also had the egg white and turkey bacon sandwich to go with it.

The first back-to-back of Dopey training is complete and I love the confidence boost this weekend's miles have given me! 

What do you think of back-to-backs? Love them or hate them?


  1. I'm not a big fan of back to backs. I did a few when I trained for my marathon. I've been wanting to try that latte. Glad to hear it's as good as it sounds!

    1. The latte was so good! I completely forgot how much my legs hurt during back to backs!

  2. I love back-to-backs. It makes me feel more confident going into Dopey!

  3. Great job! I haven't done back to back runs since college. I almost did it Friday and Saturday to make up a run I skipped on Thursday, but that was to rest my ankle. I decided to still be smart and rest the ankle.

    1. I think you definitely made the smart decision to rest the ankle!

  4. Haha, Run with the Nuns? You should have ran that as part of your training run!

    1. Isn’t that funny? So the hospital I work for is a Catholic healthcare organization and they do a bike ride every year and call it “run with the nuns” - they decided to add a 5K this year. I honestly felt bad that I forgot about it! Oh well.

  5. A rainforest is a good way to put it! Hah!
