
Friday, September 15, 2017

Dopey Challenge Training Week 13

Fitness Friday

Currently Training For:
  • Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA
Saturday - 10 mile run
Sunday -
Rest Day
Monday - 3 miles
Tuesday - 4 miles
Wednesday - Rest Day
Thursday - Squats/Lunges/PT with Cross Training
Friday - 4 miles

This week has been another interesting one over here.

As you may know, Saturday's run was unplanned but went well minus the IT Band issue with both knees. Both knees were still bothering me the next day which really alarmed me as I don't want to walk down that road again. So, I decided keep my main focus on icing and foam rolling this week.

I also decided to take it easy with Monday and Tuesday's mileage. There are no pictures from either day, but I completed the mileage with my friend Melissa and her husband and we had a blast!

Thursday's run was nixed because Brayden ran fever all day and after I returned home from work, all I wanted to do was lay on the couch with him.

He also discovered a new "toy"...the button on the digital thermometer! This kid LOVES buttons and toys that make noise/light up!

After I put him down for the evening, I completed a Tone It Up arms/abs workout as well as my usual squats/lunges routine.

My parents also brought take out over for dinner on Thursday night and I thought the fortune was kind of unique!

Another yummy find from the week was this taco salad from a local Mexican restaurant. It was too much for me to eat in one sitting, so I saved the rest for lunch the following day!

The remainder of the week was spent trying to figure out when to reschedule our cruise and what excursions to take! No matter what happens, I know we will have an amazing time!

This week was kind of boring but given the fact that I technically wasn't even supposed to be here, I guess it went ok! I'm debating on what mileage to run for the weekend. If my IT Bands hold up, I might even try a back to back!

I hope you have an awesome weekend! Any fun plans?


  1. Oh I hope the IT band does not become an issue again. That's the worst!

    Hope your little guy is feeling better.

  2. Its so hard to balance training with mommy responsibilities. I hope that Brayden starts to feel better soon.

  3. Taco salads are always yummy. I love the Pecos Bill restaurant at the Magic Kingdom because I can get a salad and it's not too greasy, and I get some veggies from the salad bar.

  4. Hope your IT band stops being such a pest!

  5. Thank you! Hope you had a great run! :)
