
Friday, September 22, 2017

Dopey Challenge Training Week 14

Fitness Friday

Currently Training For:
  • Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA
Saturday - 5 mile run
Sunday -
3 mile walk
Monday - 4 mile run
Tuesday - Rest Day
Wednesday - 3 mile run
Thursday - Squats/Lunges/PT with Cross Training
Friday & Saturday - Back to back run

This past week was a great one as far as workouts and mileage goes! 

Despite the fact that Brayden wasn't feeling well this past weekend, we HAD to get out of the house. After several stir-crazy days, we headed out for a late Saturday morning run. It wasn't what I'd planned as Friday and Saturday should have been my first back-to-back for Dopey, but it was better than nothing!

Dopey Challenge Training

Starting a run at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday morning probably wasn't my best idea ever heat-wise, but we made it work! :) 

Dopey Challenge Training

It was definitely a slower run, but I was having trouble breathing with the heat and humidity. Oh well. 

Dopey Challenge Training

By Sunday, Brayden was feeling MUCH better and really wanted to go outside, so we headed out for a 3 mile brisk walk.

Dopey Challenge Training

On Monday afternoon, Brayden and I set out for another run. After struggling through a heat index of 100+ degrees all summer, I've come to appreciate the value of the Bob. Not only can I carry my water along with me, it also has a place for my house key, gatorade, and any other necessities I might need along the way.

Dopey Challenge Training

This time however, I wasn't very prepared and I didn't bring enough water with me for a 4 mile run. Brayden had plenty of water, I did not.Whoops. 

A super sweet couple that passed me in their car saw me struggling along (it must have been written all over my face), so they turned around, went home, got a fresh cold bottle of water, and brought it back to me! I was SO shocked at their generosity and kindness! I still had about a mile to go until I was home so their timing was impeccable! I also don't believe that things like that "just happen". :) Nice people do still exist in this world!

Dopey Challenge Training

My goal for this run was to finish under 10 minute miles and I made it!

Dopey Challenge Training

On Wednesday afternoon, I was in desperate need of a run, so I headed out solo. While I missed having a spot for "everything", I also loved having the chance to run as fast as I wanted and not have to lug a stroller around! It felt amazing to simply run!

Dopey Challenge Training

Today and tomorrow, I have a make up back-to-back run. Here's hoping all goes as scheduled! Have a fabulous weekend!!


  1. Good luck on the back to back run! It's one of the hardest parts of Dopey training for me!

  2. Good luck with the back to back runs. It was warmer this week, and I always feel I struggle when it's warmer.

    1. The heat is so crazy and really does get to me! Thank you!

  3. Great job! We only did one back to back run during dopey training. haha. I was just so not feeling it at that time. So at least you will know you will still finish since you are doing good training now!

    1. Thanks heather! It is a great confidence boost for sure!
