
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Fall Training Plan


That word sounds so sweet to my ears! Although I'm not a huge pumpkin spice fan (don't hate me), I do love everything else about fall - the smells, sounds, decor, and above all, cool running weather.

Although we probably won't get decent weather here in the south until November, the temps still tend to cool off a bit from the crazy 100+ heat index of summer.

So, how will my training plan change for fall?

Tuesdays On The Run

#1 - Higher mileage. 

As Dopey's Challenge grows closer and closer, the weekly mileage inches higher and higher. After a rough 10 miler in August, I've shied away from any double digit mileage least until the weather turns cooler! Thankfully, cooler temps are hopefully around the next corner or two and I will be able to get out of this 6-8 mile rut!

Tuesdays On The Run

#2 - Warmer Clothing.

Ah yes, the drawer of long sleeved shirts, tights, and compression socks that gets used for a few short months of the year will get to be used once again! I love sporting my WDW Marathon Weekend shirts, especially! :)

Tuesdays On The Run

#3 - Later morning run times.

Sadly, the sun rises later once daylight savings time hits, which means a later start time for me. I'm a super huge chicken and hate running in the dark alone, especially downtown. Nope. Not happening.

How do your running plans change for fall?

Tuesdays On The Run

Tuesdays on the Run hosted by ErikaMarcia, & Patty!


  1. I'm with you, I refuse to run in the dark. There are huge safety issues with that. Even though I run on sidewalks during for my weekday runs, its still much better to be safe than sorry.

  2. I'm not a pumpkin person, period. I love fall, but not that. The biggest disappointment I got after a race was Corner Bakery was giving out small coffee cakes. Well, it wasn't coffee cake, it was pumpkin. I love coffee cake and I was sooo disappointed.

  3. We are looking at morning lows in the low 60s by this weekend - I am beside myself with joy! Like you, Fall is still a long way off, but at least we both can see the light at the end of this long hot humid summer tunnel, right?

    1. That's amazing! Hope you enjoyed the gorgeous weather!

  4. It's hard to believe fall is here...well, at least the fall temps are. It's felt like fall since early August in Iowa...hope that doesn't mean winter is arriving early as well

  5. Why run in the dark if you don't have to? That's what I tell myself anyway. All the best with your Dopey training!

  6. I love fall running! All the best with your Dopey runs
