
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Three Things Thursday...Again!

Today is Thursday and that means another day of rambling thoughts, because that's just how my life seems to be going here lately.

Have I mentioned before how much I hate hurricane season? Everyone here in the south is always on edge and on their toes, just in case. It makes the traveling process tricky, because you seriously never know. Some years might bring along zero hurricanes and others might bring along several back to back hurricanes.

Cancelled Disney Cruise

 Hurricane Irma

Thanks to Hurricane Irma, my cruise has officially been cancelled by Disney Cruise Line. Yes, we were scheduled to be on one of the three sailings that were cancelled. When we received the news on Tuesday night, we immediately began looking online for another cruise date and spent several hours doing so, trying to work with work schedules and off time. I'm not mad that the cruise has been cancelled AT ALL as I appreciate Disney looking out for everyone's safety. Our cruise was supposed to be an Eastern itinerary and have you seen the devastation on some of those islands after Irma passed through? It's insane. On top of everything, we have received a full refund from everyone and everything we booked (except airfare) and are receiving a 25% credit off a future cruise booking with Disney. Since I'm fully packed and honestly would like to stay that way, we are looking at an October or November cruise date instead. The devastation that Irma is causing on these islands is mind blowing. I feel so bad for everyone because I know a huge chunk of their income is travel related. Definitely keeping them and Florida in my prayers.

Southwest Airlines

So I mentioned that I was able to receive a full refund on everything except airfare, but I have a cool story with this one, too. As we sorted through possible dates and plans, I also searched for the price of airfare on our projected dates. A lot of families on our sailing received a credit from Southwest which is what I was anticipating as well. After choosing the October date, I realized that with a credit, we would still have had to pay an additional $300 to fly the October dates (due to the higher price of these specific October flights). Southwest has been great through this whole ordeal and online, I was actually able to choose my current flight and change my round trip flight from September to the October dates without any extra penalty. They honored my original booking price for September! I've always enjoyed flying with Southwest and will definitely continue to do so every time I'm able!

Madalynn The Cocker


If you've been following my Madalynn saga, you know that she gave us a big scare last week when her vet discovered a lesion on her hard palate. The lesion was removed and sent off for biopsy to determine exactly what was going on. Her vet and I then discussed possible treatment options if it was cancer which ranged from another surgery to radiation, both of which were probably impossible due to the location. Well as of yesterday, I hadn't heard back from the vet and since I'd already had some bad news, I figured why not. Within a few minutes, the vet returned my call and I seriously couldn't believe my ears. Y'all. It's NOT CANCER! Somehow, she must have chewed on something which caused a foreign body to get stuck in her palate and her body had an inflammatory response which caused the ulcerated like lesion to form! OMG. I could NOT believe my ears. I had to get her to repeat herself because I was floored.

So as you can see, it's been a roller coaster of a week. I also haven't had a chance to read and commend on blogs as much as I'd like this week due to our serious scramble to change plans last minute, but I'll get back to that today and tomorrow for sure!  Oddly enough, I am grateful for the ups and downs of life as it causes us to be more grateful for the things we have and the relationships we have in our lives!

Have you ever had to change travel plans due to the weather or a storm of some sort?


  1. Why yes, I had to change my travel plans thanks to Harvey - but like you, it was small potatoes compared to what everyone who was in the path of the hurricane dealt with, so it's all good.

    So glad Madalynn is OK!

    1. That's so true! Small potatoes is a good way to look at it! :)

  2. Yay for Madalynn! I'm so sorry your cruise was cancelled, but better safe than sorry. Even if the project path is correct and she's going up the eastern seaboard, Irma's already done quite a bit of damage.

    1. Exactly - I felt the same way! So glad we were all safe!
