
Thursday, October 5, 2017

18 Month Baby Update

A year and a half - an entire year and a half has gone by since Brayden was born! Today, he turns 18 months old!!

18 Month Baby Update

It's hard to believe this little boy is already 18 months old! I seriously feel like I just sat down to write the last update and that was three months ago!

Clothing: 18 month clothing mostly - He also fits in some 12 to 18 month clothing
Diapers: Size 4 for both day and night time diapers (same as before)
Shoes: Size 4
Weight: 28 pounds (estimated)
Height: 32 inches (estimated)

 Over the past three months, Brayden has grown a LOT. Where he was barely walking before, he's into EVERYTHING now!

18 Month Baby Update

His favorite cabinet at home is my Tupperware cabinet. He LOVES to scatter the pieces around.

18 Month Baby Update

Brayden moved up to the Toddler II class at Mother's Day Out (he skipped Toddler I altogether since it took him so long to walk) and also moved up to the Toddler class at church nursery. He really seems to love it and being with his friends!

Over the past several months, we've dealt with a hurricane (Harvey)...

18 Month Baby Update

...for a really long time because he stayed stationary for so long...

18 Month Baby Update

Brayden also attended his second college football game which he loved!

18 Month Baby Update

We even made it to half time!

18 Month Baby Update

He also somehow contracted hand, foot, and mouth from somewhere!

18 Month Baby Update

As far as food goes, he's still taking toddler formula about 3 times a day for a total of 18 oz. He also LOVES FOOD and will eat almost anything...except mac&cheese which is totally random. Mexican is his favorite because he loves to break the chips into pieces and eat them. Did you know that breaking a chip into two pieces is hilarious? Well, apparently it is.

This kid also loves pizza, rice and gravy, and mixed veggies!  Oh yes, and animal crackers, goldfish, and yogurt bites. Seriously, this kid just loves FOOD in general!

18 Month Baby Update

Toys that light up and make noise are the BEST! He also really enjoys reading and exploring the world outside. Even if the heat index is 102 degrees and his hairline is soaked from sweat, this kid LOVES to be outside. Swing? Yes. Going on a jog with the stroller? Yes, yes! Exploring flower beds and playing with rocks? Of course!!

He's still really into music! His favorite songs are "Jesus loves me" and "Twinkle Twinkle". The "Good Morning" song from Singing in the Rain is also a favorite. I sing it to him every morning and he loves to dance to it! 

18 Month Baby Update

Brayden's cousin is in gymnastics and does somersaults all the time, so he likes to try and be like her which completely cracks me up.

He's learning to put two and two together now and will often bring a pair of my shoes to me and try to put them on my feet. He also knows when it's time to put his own shoes and socks on - he will hold up his feet for me! Brushing his teeth is also something he loves (I'm thinking the toothbrush feels good on his gums/teething areas). 

18 Month Baby Update

Lately, he will reach for our hand and take us along wherever he wants to go - he also likes to take our hand to make us do something he cannot, like open a door, turn on the TV, etc.

Speaking of TV, the new show "Puppy Dog Pals" on Disney Channel is his new FAVORITE! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is still up there along with PJ Masks but Puppy Dog Pals has quickly reached the top!

18 Month Baby Update

Brayden now has 14 teeth and two more on the way! He has taken teething very well minus the first set of molars. I'm not looking forward to arrival of the the second set!

Sleep is still going well - he usually sleeps from 8:30 p.m.-7:30 a.m. with a 2 or 3 hour daytime nap thrown in there. 

18 Month Baby Update

His vocabulary has grown a lot over the past 3 months. He now says "hat" every time he seems someone wearing a hat. He also says "ball", "gees" (for doggies), "key" (for Mickey), "tis-ters" (for sisters)...along with the previous words "mama" and "dada". Another sign he is learning is "please", but he doesn't have it quite right just yet.

The occasional tantrum has begun if he doesn't get his way but he quickly gets over it. He also cries right when I leave him at Mother's Day Out or the Nursery but if they offer him goldfish or puffs, he's 100% ok. It's really funny - I'll stand outside of the door to make sure he's ok and I can always tell when food has been presented because the tears dry up super fast!

It's crazy to think of our life before he was here. We sure do love our little guy and are excited to see what the next three months have in store!

Thanks for following along in our journey!


  1. Is he running yet? I went from crawling to running in no time, and my mom had to lock everything so I wouldn't get into stuff.

    1. YES! He’s definitely running and into everything! We have cabinet locks and all! Hahah!

  2. He is so adorable! I love his dark hair with those blue eyes! It is so fun watching their little personalities develop.

    1. It really is fun! He has quite the personality too - he’s such a ham!
