
Friday, October 20, 2017

Dopey Challenge Training Week 17 & Weekly Recap

Happy Friday, y'all! This first week back at work after vacation has really flown by and I'm so glad I have another weekend to relax and continue recuperating from our recent travel adventures!

Although I did stay active on my cruise and complete my goal of running three days that week, I didn't complete a "long run", so I'm not counting that week as completely successful. Does the Castaway Cay 5K count? :)

I did however reach my second goal of relaxing and enjoying myself. We made up for any sleep we've lost and although we really missed Brayden, we enjoyed being just the two of us again for a little while. I truly believe that you need that as a couple every once in a while, especially since 9 years of our marriage was spent kid free! Reuniting with Brayden was so amazing, though...and we've been soaking up the moments with him ever since. I am SO incredibly thankful for my parents, Jason's parents, and my friend Kim. They took excellent care of him while we were gone and I never once had to worry. I did purchase a data plan on the ship to keep in touch several times throughout the day and that was also really refreshing to see him throughout the cruise.

Ok, enough about on to my week!

Fitness Friday
Currently Training For:

  • Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA
Saturday - Travel Day - I did run the Castaway Cay 5K on Friday
Sunday -
I call this a rest day although it truly wasn't - we spent the morning at the park with Brayden, then returned home and finished unpacking our bags from the trip!
Monday - 3 miles
Tuesday - 4 miles
Wednesday - Rest Day
Thursday - Squats/Lunges/PT with cross training
Friday - Cross Train

On Sunday morning, we took advantage of our final day off work and slept in as late as possible. After breakfast, we took Brayden to a local park that included a splash pad. HE LOVES WATER and had a ball there!! Once he grew tired of the splash pad, we went over to the swing set to let him swing for a while. He isn't a fan of the slides yet, although I know he will be soon!

Brayden Paul

Monday afternoon after work, we spent a little time with our friend Melissa (she's training for the Wine & Dine 10K and her first runDisney event) and we completed 3 miles together! 

Dopey Challenge Training

The weather at the beginning of this week was amazing and finally felt like fall! We even had to pull out a few long sleeved outfits, although we haven't had to use the heater inside the house just yet. Now it's back to humid and blah outside. Sure wish that weather would have stuck around!

Brayden Paul

I'm pretty sure a trip to the pumpkin patch is in order this weekend!

Dopey Challenge Training

On Tuesday afternoon, we went for a 4 mile run together. It was another gorgeous day! I didn't try to push myself as I didn't want to overdo it, so we took it nice and easy and enjoyed the run!

Dopey Challenge Training

Not my best but that's ok! After eating cruise sized portions of food for an entire week, I was ok with this!

Weekly Recap

Thursday was a lot of fun! Pixie was groomed and after seeing her Halloween bows, I just had to take a picture of her with the pumpkin in our groomer's front yard. Pixie wasn't having ANY of that, though. Oh well.

Weekly Recap

Last night, we went out to our local college's Homecoming parade. This is a tradition of ours since forever and we really enjoyed it! This was Brayden's second parade outside the womb and his first time to really interact with the lights and sounds!

Weekly Recap

He LOVED the bands!!

Weekly Recap

(That's our local university band passing by as a blur in the background...)

Weekly Recap

Our favorite spot to stand for the parade is in front of the President's house as this is where the judges also sit. The parade participants are always on their a-game here and they usually still have a ton of candy to throw. Oh wait...maybe I'm telling our secret now? Shhhh...keep this between us, k? 


Tonight will be spent cheering on our Astros. They are so close to playing in the World Series and they've had a great season! I am reaaaaally nervous, though! We shall see what happens!

I have a 14 mile long run on the schedule so I'm crossing my fingers all goes well for that! I hope you've had a great week and enjoy your weekend!! :)


  1. So glad yall had fun on your cruise! Time alone is super important!

  2. That first run back from vacation is rough! I enjoy vacation though, and it's always important.

  3. Sounds like your cruise was great! Good luck on your 14 miles!
