
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Favorite Disney Moments

Recently on my favorite podcast (The Disney Exchange), they discussed their favorite memories from each of the Disney parks. It's been a while since I wrote anything Disney related, so I thought I'd take their lead and do so today! It was hard to pick a favorite from each park with so many memories we've made throughout the years, but I narrowed it down to four! 

So, here we go!

Animal Kingdom

Favorite Disney Memories

Our honeymoon was seriously one of the best Disney trips ever! (It's hard to believe that was 10 years ago already!)

Everywhere we went, we were congratulated because we wore our Disney bride and groom hats. On our way to see the Lion King, a cast member pulled us to the side and told us that she was taking us through a secret entrance. It was almost show time and the front row for the elephant section was still empty. Can you guess where she sat us? Yep, the front row! We were SO excited, we couldn't hardly believe it!! 

As an added bonus, the "leader" of the elephant section chose me to be the one who showed the audience how to make an elephant noise. Well, Jason still makes fun of me to this day because instead of a trumpet sound, it came out more like a "woooooooooo". We still crack up about it to this day!

Hollywood Studios

Favorite Disney Memories

This magical memory doesn't come from inside of the park, rather the outside. If you've read the story of my journey, then you know where my running obsession began. This photo was taken in 2010 while running the Walt Disney World full marathon. The year before, a friend of mine and I stood right outside this very spot to cheer on our friends who were running the marathon that year. This happened to be mile 24 and I was amazed at the fact that runners were SMILING. Well, I decided I could do that too, so I began training. Needless to say, every time I see this spot outside of Hollywood Studios, I smile! 

Magic Kingdom

Favorite Disney Memories

Taking it back to runDisney, my Magic Kingdom moment happens every time I run down Main Street USA. This is seriously one of the most amazing feelings in the world. Spectators are out there to cheer runners on, runners are excited, the castle is lit up at the end of the street, and I's Main Street, need I say more?


Favorite Disney Memories

My hands down absolute favorite and most magical memory EVER comes from Epcot. Remember that honeymoon I mentioned earlier? Well, our bride and groom ears gained a little attention as we were preparing to see the Voices of Liberty in the American Pavilion.

The sweet cast member (who happens to have a navy blue CM tag and I can't remember his name) took us next door to the restaurant and got us two Mickey rice crispy treats. After that, he gave us a magical moments certificate and had us "call" Mickey and Minnie on the phone line to hear them wish us a happy life together.

He still wasn't done.

Favorite Disney Memories

After the phone call, he put us in the front, middle section of the circle inside the rotunda. We were like "OMG is this really happening to us"? Honestly, we thought we were just being given a front row seat to hear the Voices of

Favorite Disney Memories

After the Voices of Liberty greeted everyone with a song, their "ringleader" then mentioned US by name and dedicated and sang "When You Wish Upon A Star" to US! We seriously spent the rest of the afternoon in shock and couldn't believe that just happened to us! We've been able to thank the "ringleader" on subsequent trips and she's so incredibly sweet. Seriously to this day, that memory is one of my favorite Disney moments ever.

Walt Disney World

Favorite Disney Memories

Last but not least, I have to mention our most recent trip in February with my parents and Brayden. Sharing the magic with Brayden for the first time while doing so with the ones who planted the love of Disney inside of my heart (my parents) was an incredible experience all around!

Do you have a favorite or magical Disney moment? Share it in the comments below!


  1. This is great! Like you, many of my best disney memories come from our wedding/honeymoon or Run disney events!

    1. Yes! So much fun! Those kind of trips make you the best memories!

  2. I think one of my mom's favorite was on the original submarine ride when I was almost 5. The Little Mermaid had come out a couple months earlier, and I spent the whole ride looking for Ariel, in a not so indoor voice.

  3. I love when cast members go out of their way to create extra magic. On our last trip, we received some popcorn "on Mickey" as a Magical Moment. It totally made my day!
