
Friday, November 10, 2017

Dopey Challenge Training Week 19

This week and past weekend were less than stellar for Dopey Training. To this point, I'd done SO well at keeping with three consistent runs per week plus my physical therapy routine. Sadly, I developed some kind of crazy respiratory sickness over the past month and it reared its ugly head last week. I decided that in order to fully kick it in the tail, I needed to rest over the weekend and not go for a long run. Instead, I tweaked my Dopey Training plan for the next few weeks in order to fit a 17 mile long run and a 20 mile long run into the mix. Unfortunately, time is not on our hands at the moment when it comes to training.

Thankfully on Monday of this week, I was ready to go again and while a few effects of the respiratory stuff is still lingering, it's not near what it was!

Fitness Friday
Currently Training For:

  • Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA
Saturday - Sick Day :(
Sunday -
Sick Day :(
Monday - 4 mile run
Tuesday - Squats/Lunges/PT with cross training
Wednesday - Rest Day
Thursday - 2 quick miles before dinner
Friday - Travel Day - Squats/Lunges/PT with cross training

After a weekend of zero running, I was definitely ready to get back at it on Monday afternoon! It was warm out and slightly humid, but we still had a good run!

It felt great to be back at it!

Something that struck me as funny really shouldn't have....when the tires on the Bob are properly inflated, they ride SO much smoother. This was totally my "duh" moment of the week!

On  Thursday, Jason joined us for a quick 2 miles before dinner - my how quickly the weather changes! We were in the 80's and enjoying the pool on Tuesday night and in the 50's and wearing hoodies and sweaters on Wednesday night! CRAZY!

A few other fun things happened this week -

Brayden learned the "big boy" slide! We debated on getting him one of those little tykes plastic playhouses with a slide for Christmas but now I don't think we will since he loves this one so much (and it's already in our backyard)! Back to the drawing board on that one...

At work, we have a points system where associates accrue points for various things - like a 5/10/15 year milestone, associate of the month, birthdays, congrats, etc. Well, I have been hoarding my points for years and finally put them to use yesterday! I ordered a Michael Kors purse and wallet I'd been eyeing for a while! Can't wait for it to arrive!

Today and tomorrow, I have an American Cancer Society conference out of town that I'm really looking forward to attending. Also, my long run will be pushed to Sunday morning of this weekend instead of tomorrow.

Here's to a great one! Happy Friday!!


  1. I was in the same boat struggling with reason was more fun (Disney trip for Wine and Dine), but this week and next week, it's back to the grind!

  2. I trained like you with 3 runs a week when I trained for my marathon too and it worked out well for me.
    I hope your illness stays away now!

    We got cold weather this week, I hope it does not remain this cold going forward..haha.
