
Friday, November 17, 2017

Dopey Challenge Training Week 20!

Week 20!! How and when did that happen? We are SO close to January, it's kind of scary. This week went well as far as training goes and I'm excited for this weekend - I have two really long runs left and Saturday's will be one of those!

Fitness Friday
Currently Training For:

  • Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA
Saturday - Relay Weekend/Travel Day
Sunday -
10 mile run
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday - 4 miles
Wednesday - Squats/Lunges/PT with cross training
Thursday - 3 miles
Friday - Squats/Lunges/PT with cross training

This week, I've been incredibly diligent with my squats/lunges as I want Saturday's run to go as smooth as possible. The weather forecast is calling for temps in the 80's on Saturday and the 40's on Sunday. There's no possible way for me to switch my long run day to Sunday, so I'm just going to roll with it.

On Sunday morning, I woke up early for my 10 mile long run. It was warmer than I thought and I honestly should have gone back inside to change my outfit but oh well. I've been doing this a while, but it's almost as if my brain forgets how to dress when the weather starts to change. So crazy.

I made it through the first 8 miles alone, then stopped by the house on the way back to pick up Brayden for the final 2 miles. Jason is in our church orchestra and has to be there by 9 a.m. for rehearsal, so I usually hang back around home until we leave for church around 10 a.m.

After I began my run with Brayden, my watch started beeping at me because it was about to shut off due to low battery. I snapped a quick picture of it before that happened...

In total, the run ended at 10 miles. I've adapted a run/walk on my longer runs where I walk for 2 minutes after my watch beeps that I've reached each mile. It's worked out really well so far!

Somehow, this week has been so crazy that I missed out on taking pictures from my other week day runs....oh well.

I'll leave you with something fun my class did on Wednesday night at church!

I asked our entire department of kids (4 years old - high school) to donate items for Operation Christmas Child and they showed up big time! This is the second year our church has participated in this project and our department put together five boxes! Operation Christmas Child collects "shoe boxes" full of goodies and distributes them to kids less fortunate throughout the world. It's such a neat organization!

Those boxes were STUFFED! After our boxes were made, we prayed that they would be a blessing to the lives they touch this holiday season. I can't think of a better way to start off our Thanksgiving week.

We have so many fun holiday things planned this weekend, I'm looking forward to sharing them with you!! Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. I need to get some of that diligence from you as I have not been doing lunges and squats lately.
    How wonderful that all the volunteers came out to do Operation Christmas Child!

    1. I'm scared to not do them, especially with Dopey right around the corner! After that, I'll probably slack off again! Haha!

  2. Thank you! I like to take walk breaks during super long runs - I can totally feel the difference!
