
Thursday, December 14, 2017

10th Anniversary Vacay - Day 8 Castaway Cay

Our final day on board the Disney Fantasy was spent at Castaway Cay! We had a blast on the island and loved running the 5K! If you've missed previous recaps, check them out below:

Our morning began with room service breakfast that we enjoyed on the verandah while watching the sunrise!

We also had the chance to watch the ship dock at Castaway Cay which was super fun!

Our group was set to meet early in the Walt Disney Theater for the 5K. I am seriously amazed at the volume of people doing these races now over the past few years. I still remember our first cruise in 2009 when only like 8 of us showed up for the 5K!

We were delayed with the 5K due to a decent sized storm that was passing through. After it mostly passed, we were directed out to the pier for our long walk to the start line of the 5K. They were also randomly handing out ponchos at the gangplank - you know, those $20 ponchos from the parks? Yes, they were handing them out to us like no big deal. They might not actually be $20 but I'm pretty sure they are like $16!

By the time we made it to the start line for the 5K, the rain had completely passed and it was turning out to be a beautiful day!

Up next on our agenda was a snorkeling adventure. I'd never snorkeled at Castaway Cay and I wanted to see the hidden Mickey and Minnie underneath the water!

Mission accomplished! We spent a little over an hour snorkeling the entire area here. It was really pretty and I liked the themeing but there weren't a lot of fish which was kind of disappointing.

The boys had taken a fishing excursion that morning so we waited for this at Cookies 2.

 They joined us not long after we arrived and we dug in and enjoyed some BBQ!

This cookie was as big as my head!

After lunch, we spent the remainder of our time at Serenity Bay, just relaxing and enjoying each other's company. We also got in the ocean for a little while which was fun!

After a FULL day at Castaway Cay, we decided to head back to the ship to change for dinner! We were excited for Animator's Palate that night!

Goodbye, Castaway Cay! Until next time!

As we pulled away from the dock, these workers were waving with their giant Mickey hands! So cute!

I'd never eaten at the new and improved Animator's Palate, so this was super fun!

We also had to snag a picture with our wait staff on our final night.

Aaaaand being the big nerds that we, we all purchased these outfits on Castaway Cay and so did half of our ship because EVERYONE had these on! You see the guy behind us that photo bombed us in the above picture? Yes, he had one on, too! Hah!

After dinner, we walked around and took pictures with a few characters who were out and about!

I'm still cracking up about our matching outfits. We are so dumb.

We also watched the "Until We Meet Again" presentation in the lobby which was really cute and sad all at the same time.

It was our final night on board the ship and our final towel creation!

We had such an AMAZING time on board the Disney Fantasy and I can't wait to do it all over again! We loved spending time with our friends and being on board a new (to us) ship! Now we've officially traveled on all four Disney Cruise Line ships! How fun!

Thanks for sticking by through all of these recaps! We really had a great time and I'm looking forward to a repeat next year (hopefully with an Eastern Itinerary) on the Disney Fantasy again! See ya real soon! :)


  1. Your matching outfits are cute! I want to do the Disney Cruise so I can do the 5K..haha
