
Friday, December 1, 2017

Dopey Challenge Training Week 21

Fitness Friday
Currently Training For:

  • Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA
Sunday - Shopping/Travel Day
Monday - 4 miles
Tuesday - Squats/Lunges/PT with cross training
Wednesday - Rest Day
Thursday - 3 miles
Friday - Squats/Lunges/PT with cross training

Training this week was lovely with the balmy fall weather here in Southwest Louisiana! The low humidity factor was AMAZING and I could have run all day! Now if only Saturday temps would be this way as well...

On Monday, I got off work early and went for a 4 mile run around the neighborhood!

I was so excited to see only 28% humidity! It might as well have been at 0 for that matter!

My friends over at The Disney Exchange kept me laughing the whole way! Definitely an entertaining run!

On Thursday night after work, I took Brayden along with me for a 3 mile dusk run. I hate how early the sun sets during this time of year. If I don't get out of the door RIGHT when I get home, I'm going to miss my running opportunity because it's going to be too dark. :(

It was a beautiful evening though!

We also celebrated Jason's birthday last night! He asked for a pecan pie as his "cake", so that's what he received! He also purchased a new truck last month, so I printed a picture of the truck and put it in his card as his "gift"! Hey...that was our deal when he purchased the truck, anyway!

On Saturday, I have an 8-10 mile run planned followed by a girls trip to see a few plantation homes all decorated for Christmas! I'll definitely be sharing our weekend adventures in a vlogidays video coming up next week so stay tuned for that!

My next really long Dopey Challenge training run will take place on December 9th - I'm super nervous about it but I'm just gonna take it slow and see what happens!

Have a fabulous weekend!!


  1. I too hate how early it gets dark at this time of the year. Its makes it so difficult to get all of those training runs in!

    1. Exactly!! This time of year is great but the sun sets way too soon!

  2. I hate knowing I have a long Dopey run on the horizon...I get really nervous! But nothing beats the feeling when you know it's done!

  3. It's so hard to run with the sun going down right now. It's setting before 4:40 right now, and I get home after 4.

    1. Wow! That’s so early! Ours is at 5:30 right now.

  4. Great job! It's been so hot here, it was 86 today, on dec 1! I agree with disliking how it gets dark early!

    1. Crazy! Hope y’all have a somewhat cooler Christmas! :)

  5. Same here. By the time I get home I can barely get in anything over 4 miles before it gets dark! Good luck with your long run!

    1. So crazy. I love this time of year but can’t wait for spring! Haha!
