
Friday, December 8, 2017

Dopey Challenge Training Week 22

My training this week was INCREDIBLY lackluster. The weather turned yucky which then turned icy and crazy enough, turned to SNOW this morning! I even busted out a treadmill run this week, which means I'm pretty desperate and have zero motivation. I missed one of my planned training runs this week but added a bit of extra cross training instead. When my only option is the treadmill, I seriously have to drag myself onto it and convince myself it's a good idea. Bad, I know...

Fitness Friday
Currently Training For:

  • Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA
Saturday - 8 mile run

Sunday - Rest Day
Monday - Cross Training
Tuesday - 3 mile treadmill run
Wednesday - Rest Day
Thursday - Squats/Lunges/PT with cross training
Friday - Squats/Lunges/PT with cross training

On Saturday morning, I ran an 8 mile training run and it was a gorgeous day! The weather was perfect!!

After the run, my friends and I traveled to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to visit a plantation home! We had a great girls day and I enjoyed hanging with them! :)

It's been a busy week along with the crazy weather, so I decided on Tuesday that if I didn't jump on the treadmill, I probably wouldn't get to run at all. So, a treadmill run it was! Honestly, it wasn't terrible, I would just much rather run outside. It has to be pretty crazy conditions to make me choose a treadmill over outside!

This morning, I received a 5 a.m. text message from one of my friends telling me to go outside because it was snowing. Y'all. Southwest Louisiana. This is unheard of. It's maybe only legit snowed here like twice in my lifetime and definitive not like this! It was coming down hard!!

I couldn't believe it!

Yes, we get excited about snow! Schools were also canceled for a super rare "Snow Day"!

I just HAD to build a creepy little snowman! Once in a lifetime, right?!


The frozen conditions here are going to make tomorrow incredibly interesting. So, I'm scheduled to run my 20 mile training run for Dopey Challenge tomorrow. My plan is to run 7 early am miles followed by a half marathon around town.  Crossing my fingers I don't finish like a popsicle!

Ok, now I'm off to wake Brayden up so he can play in it too! Who knows when we will see this again!

Have a fabulous Friday!


  1. Wow, you guys getting snow is pretty nuts. We have yet to get any snow here yet, though it is in the forecast for overnight tonight into tomorrow.

  2. We had snow here last night, and it was just beautiful. Can't fathom running in it - luckily for us, it'll be all melted by tomorrow's long run, so we'll just be dealing with the cold, which bodes well for a good run, right? Hope your long run is awesome!

  3. It's so nuts that the south has gotten snow, and our ski resorts have next to nothing. You can send some of that to them. My family in Houston got snow too, and their kids built a snowman.

  4. I can not believe ya'll got snow! We haven't got any here yet. My neighbor is in Mexico this week and she text me this morning that they also got snow, IN MEXICO!!!

    1. I honestly couldn't believe it, either! Mexico...WOW!
