
Friday, December 22, 2017

Dopey Challenge Training Week 23 & 24

With all of the craziness of the holiday season, I somehow missed posting last week's Dopey Training recap because well...hello, sleep. Exhaustion took over and I had a lot going on at one time, hence the lack of posting. Anyway, here's two weeks of recaps looped into one!

Fitness Friday
Currently Training For:

  • Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA
Week 23:
Saturday - 7 mile treadmill run + Swamp Stomp Half Marathon (20 miles total)
Sunday -
Rest Day
- Rest Day
Tuesday -
3 mile walk with Jason and Brayden
- Rest Day
- Squats/Lunges/PT with cross training
- 3 mile run

Week 24:
Saturday - Dashing Through the Chuck 5K + 2 mile run
Sunday - Rest Day
Monday - 4 mile run
Tuesday - Squats/Lunges/PT with cross training
Wednesday - Rest Day
Thursday - 3 mile run
Friday - Squats/Lunges/PT with cross training

Fitness Friday Dopey Training
Over the past two weeks, I officially hit my highest training point in this Dopey Challenge training plan. No, I haven't followed it to a tee and I didn't plan to when I first started out - I kind of formed and shaped it to work with my body and physical limitations...and I'm seriously thinking this will be my final full marathon. My IT Band just can't handle it.

Fitness Friday Dopey Training
Anyway, the treadmill and half marathon combo did the trick and before I knew it, a 20 miler was under my training belt! :)

After Saturday, I gave my legs a little bit of time to recuperate from my run and I felt great by the time I picked up running again.

Throughout the past two weeks, I've also run several 3 and 4 mile training runs as well as a small back-to-back this past Friday and Saturday.

Fitness Friday Dopey Training

On Friday's run, my outfit consisted of a red Christmas themed shirt and Christmas tights. I'm sure the neighbors thought it a bit crazy but oh well...who cares!

Also, I started to break in another pair of Mizuno's this past week since I plan to travel to Marathon Weekend with two pair (just in case). I LOVE new running shoes and the way they feel!

Fitness Friday Dopey Training

Saturday's run consisted of a 5K followed by a quick 2 miler around town. Brayden also enjoyed chasing the birds after our run and I'm sure I tacked on an extra mile chasing after him!

I also managed to squeeze in a 4 miler before dark on Monday of this week before the rain hit. Yesterday's afternoon 3 miler was the second run of the week and will be combined with a long-ish run on Saturday for the culmination of the week. I can't believe that there's just two weekends to go until we are in Disney World! Time sure has flown by!

The first day of winter came and went in the south which left yesterday's run complete with...shorts and a short sleeved shirt. Yes. Gotta love these southern winters. I hear there's going to be a freeze on Christmas day. The weather never can make up its mind in the winter - it's always one extreme to another.

Happy Christmas weekend! I hope you all have an amazing time with your family and friends, soaking up all of the wonders this season has to bring!

Merry Christmas!


  1. I will be in Disney that saturday! EK is doing the kids race!

    1. We will definitely have to meet up to say hi!

  2. Kudos to you for keeping up with your Dopey training as well as you have. Its definitely not easy as a working mom.

  3. Good luck! At this time next week, we'll be done with the 5k!

  4. That Christmas outfit seems so cool! You're so inspiring to keep training even during the holidays!
