
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Favorite Hometown Race

Please pardon my lack of human social interaction over the past few days - I am officially down with the flu (type A) and have been since Sunday. Ironically, my brother who lives in another state was also diagnosed with type A on Sunday although his case is WAY worse than mine, symptom wise. For two days straight, I've been quarantined to my bedroom, only leaving with a lysol can in one hand and a clorox wipe in another - and the trips out of my room have been few and far between. I've been SO meticulous over the past few months with hand hygiene for both Brayden and I so I'm not quite sure where I picked this up from! (Yes, I also received the flu shot as required by my job.) Now, my biggest prayer is that Brayden doesn't get it...that would be awful.

Anyway, I decided to join in on a little Tuesdays on the Run fun today to help break up this crazy watch tv, sleep, drink fluids, repeat monotony.

Today's topic is all about your Favorite Hometown Race and after a little deliberation, I chose one and actually surprised myself with my choice - it's the 4 Miler On The 4th (of July, that is).

This race is hosted by our local running association. They host several races throughout the year and always do a great job, but this one happens to be my favorite.

Once May hits around here, races are few and far between due to the heat. I guess I always look forward to this 4 Miler for a couple of reasons - first because by the time it rolls around, it's been a while since I've run a race and second, this is one of the first races I ever ran when I began my running journey back in 2009!

This race also holds a lot of fun memories for me! I ran this race in 2009 with my sister in law - it was my first time to run this race but her first race ever! We still joke about this one because it was super hot and probably not the best race to choose for a first ever!

Another year, I must have missed my alarm and woke up from my dad's text, asking if I had made it to the race start! YIKES! I somehow managed to get dressed and out the door in record time, which led to a pretty interesting race to say the least! 

I've also had the opportunity to run this race with friends over the years (here and here) which has always been fun and helped those hot miles not seem so hot after all!

This past year's race was one of my favorites, though! I went into the race not expecting much at all and came out with a 30 second PR! I still have NO idea where that came from, but I'll keep it! :)

Oh yes, I should also mention that I love the 4th of July which definitely helps with my loving this race! Red, white, and blue, patriotism, USA, summer, fireworks, BBQ...need I say more?

Do you have a favorite hometown race? If so, what is it?

Tuesdays on the Run Link Up- every Tuesday we have a new running related topic. Join your favorite running bloggers in linking up each week.

It's the Tuedsays on the Run Linkup with ErikaMarcia and Patty!


  1. Sorry you have the flu! Fingers crossed Brayden doesn't get it, and I hope you feel better soon!

    My favorite hometown race is probably our local Turkey Trot, just because it's low-key and such a fun thing to do on Thanksgiving morning.

    1. Thank you...we really appreciate it! I so wish we had a turkey trot here! My running group used to put one on but now that it's disbanded, there's no turkey trot. Sad times.

  2. I love it!!!! I would totally do a 4 miler on the 4th of July... just plan on being miserably hot here in Dallas. But hey, if I'm expecting it then it won't be thaaaaat bad... right?! I could have a lot of fun dressing up for that one, too!

    1. Oh yes, it's miserable here too (we are in Southwest Louisiana), but I love it!

  3. Sorry to hear that you are down with the flu. I have never got a flu shot and never have gotten the flu. Knock on wood.

    We have a 4th of July race here in our town as well, but I have never run it My sister has and really likes it.

    1. Thank you! I will keep my fingers crossed for you! It's so crazy this year!!

  4. Thank you! We appreciate the prayers! It's so yucky and miserable!

  5. Yuck on the flu. Whatever is going on this season, it's not just the flu.

    1. I know! It's yucky and I can't believe it's spreading like it is! Ugh.

  6. I have a fun 4th of July race I've done the past several years (except for last year when I "vacationed" in the hospital LOL). I almost featured that one for the TOTR link-up. I agree...the 4th f JUly is such a festive time, it's perfect for a race! Hope you're feeling better soon!

    1. Thank you so much! Sorry you had to miss last year's race due to a sickness! Hopefully this year's race will be a great one!

  7. Oh no - I hope you feel better soon! The flu is the worst.

    I tend to skip out on July 4th races, partially because it's tri season and partially because I prefer no to wear a timing chip when it's 900 degrees out LOL

    1. I hear you! It's SO hot here too...but I guess I am a glutton for punishment! Hah!
